A snickerdoodle inspired breakfast cake that’s high in protein and fiber. Best enjoyed with a hot cup of tea and topped with crushed flax and blueberries. Inspired by my Quinoa Flake Bakes
1 teaspoon coconut/coconut sugar + ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Prepare a 16oz. microwave/oven safe dish by oiling with a dab of coconut oil. Set aside. Drop all ingredients except cinnamon sugar topping in a small bowl and mix until fully incorporated. Press mixture into prepare dish and even out with fork. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over top.
Microwave option: Place in the microwave and cook on level 6 power for 3-4 minutes. You’ll know when it’s done when it rises slightly, is harder to the touch, and pulls away from the sides of the dish. Don’t bake it too long, or you’ll have a Frisbee!
Oven option: Place in a preheated oven at 350F and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Allow to rest for 1 minute before tipping over onto a plate and smothering with your favorite toppings.
Recipe by Healthful Pursuit at https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/2011/07/snickerdoodle-quinoa-flake-bake/