I want...
January 25, 2015 By
Leanne Vogel
December 14, 2018
Flourless, fluffy, grain-free, keto muffins made with ground flaxseed, tastes just like a cinnamon bun. Naturally high in fiber, low in carbohydrates, sugar-free, keto, and paleo.
Keto muffins! Are you ready for this? Mentally? Emotionally?
Keto shopping lists, recipes, and more! Start keto with this FREE 5-step guide.
I'm ready!Remember when I made this Keto Grain-free Flaxseed Foccacia? It’s THE most popular recipe on the blog. Of all time, ever.
The other day, I made Coconut Creme French Toast with a couple of slices of keto focaccia (highly recommend doing this) and it got me thinking… I bet I could make keto muffins with that same base keto focaccia recipe.
How French toast made me think of muffins is beyond me. Whatever the connection, we’re all in luck. A little tweak here and there and here we are…
Instead of flour, I’ve used ground flaxseeds for this low carb, keto muffin recipe. That’s it, that’s all. Maybe you’ve read/heard about heated flaxseeds being bad for your health? It’s partially true. Here’s the thing…
The fragile components of flax; where all of this heat or not to heat concern stems, is in the alpha-linolenic acid (an omega fatty acid) and lignans (a compound that mimics human hormones, specifically estrogen). I was able to find three separate studies that note the effects of heating flaxseed and it’s overall health benefits (1) (2) (3).
All in all, I’m not concerned with using whole (or ground) flaxseed in my homemade keto baking because I’m in control of its freshness, the temperatures that were used, and the duration. The same cannot be said for store-bought flax products… I’ll stick with homemade, thanks.
The REALLY cool thing about flax; and something I am practicing myself, is its ability to normalize estrogen levels. In December, I began supplementing with 3 capsules of this flaxseed oil supplement, in an effort to boost my estrogen even further. If you’re not familiar with my hormone regulation project, check this out.
The lignans in flaxseed are phytoestrogens , plant chemicals mimicking the effects of estrogen in the body: Phytoestrogens hook onto the same spots on cells where estrogen attaches. If there is little estrogen in the body, for example after menopause, lignans may act like weak estrogen. However, when natural estrogen is abundant, lignans may reduce the hormone’s effects by displacing it from cells; displacing estrogen in this manner might help prevent those cancers that depend on estrogen, such as breast cancer, from starting and developing. (This is also, in part, how soy is believed to work in breast cancer prevention, although the phytoestrogens in soy are isoflavones .)
Excerpt from NYU Medical Center, Flaxseed
Either way, it’s a win, win. Baking with the flaxseed, flaxseed supplementation, it’s all the name of my keto game right now.
Right, and eating a lot of keto muffins. Definitely part of the plan, too.
BECOME A FAT BURNING MACHINE WITH MEView Nutrition Information (once on page, scroll down)
Begin by adding all dry ingredients to a large bowl. I used a lot of cinnamon in this recipe… because I love it! Don’t be afraid with the 2 tablespoons. It’s not overkill, it’s just right!
Set aside the bowl of dry ingredients and add all of the wet ingredients to the jug of your blender. I used local, pasture-raised eggs for this recipe.
Did you know MCT oil also comes in powdered form? Ya! In its powdered state, it's much easier to use, travel with, and incorporate into your favorite recipes. Plus, if you've experienced digestive issues with MCT oil before, MCT oil powder is a lot gentler on the gut. Check out my favorite brand of MCT oil powder here.
The yolks were so bright and beautiful. If you use a lighter flaxseed with this keto recipe, combined with the deep yellow yolks, the keto muffins will take on a whole other color.
Once blended, add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredient bowl and stir to mix. I like to set the mixture aside to thicken up for a couple of minutes.
Leaving the batter to sit will help the flaxseed congeal with the liquid ingredients, it’s quite marvelous!
Transfer to muffin tins, bake and chow down! I like my (warm) keto muffins spread with coconut oil and a touch of salt.
This last year has been so transformative. I’ve seen keto foods change my life in ways I never thought possible, just by changing my view on what could heal me and what my body was asking for. Flaxseed has been part of that, using it to normalize my estrogen levels without the use of hormone replacement therapies. One day at a time, keeping an open mind to it all, and sharing my journey along the way.
I know that many of you are healing yourself through food, like me! And, I’d love to hear your stories. Please, share in the comments below. Your journey will act as inspiration to the thousands of women in our community seeking solace in knowing that we are not alone.
What medical challenges are you; or someone in your family, faced with right now?
How have you used food to encourage natural healing?
This entry was tagged: cinnamon, cinnamon buns, eating high-fat, eating keto, eating low-carb, flax, flaxseed, grain-free muffin, high-fat cooking, high-fat recipes, keto, keto cooking, keto diet, keto life, keto recipes, ketosis, low-carb cooking, low-carb paleo, low-carb recipes, muffins
Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)
a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.