Keto Weight Loss for Women – Sample Chapter from my new book!

By November 16, 2021

Keto Weight Loss for Women - Sample Chapter from my new book!

Bust through the plateaus and reach your happy weight with this 17-page guide on going beyond standard keto methods to lose weight, feel good while you do it, and kick the diet mentality. You really can have it all.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that if we just eat fewer calories and exercise more, weight loss will magically happen, but that really couldn’t be farther from the truth when it comes to women on the keto diet.

Guide on how to start keto.

Keto shopping lists, recipes, and more! Start keto with this FREE 5-step guide.

I'm ready!

There is SO MUCH more to weight loss than calories in and calories out. While I can’t go through all the specifics (it’s a books length of detail), this 17-page sample of what’s inside my newest book, Keto for Women, will provide some guidance to get you started.

This is just one of the 400+ topics I’m covering in Keto for Women. Where I guide you through how to setup your ketogenic diet, how to adjust it for your health imbalances, and what to eat day in and day out for the best results.

Your 17-page Keto Weight Loss Guide

Did you start off the year with the resolution to finally lose those unwanted pounds once and for all?

Or, maybe you’ve made that pledge before.

Maybe you’ve even made it multiple times before.

It might not have been for New Year’s, either.

If you’re like I was, you’d make that promise at least a few times a year. All it would take was just looking in the mirror to say, “Alright, I have to do something different.”

Of course, I said some version of that more times than I’d like to admit and never hit that goal.

That is until I discovered the Keto Diet.


A sample from my newest paperback book, Keto for Women.

Love the free guide? There’s more where that came from! Get your copy of Keto for Women full of 416 pages of keto know-how for the average keto lady: Amazon | Target |Barnes & Noble | Books a Million | Indie Bound | Indigo | | Walmart

Keto Weight Loss for Women - Sample Chapter from my new book!

Are You Sick of the Treadmill?

No, I don’t mean actual treadmills.

I mean the feeling of constantly trying to move toward your weight-loss goals only to constantly discover that – despite all of your hard work – you haven’t actually gotten anywhere.

Again, you’re not alone.

The reason 99% of diets don’t work is that they’re based on the theory that if you simply take in fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight.

For example, if you find out you burn 1,400 calories a day and you follow a diet of just 1,000 calories a day, you should lose 400 calories a day, right? That’s 2,800 calories a week.

Over the course of a month, you’d lose 3.2 pounds on a diet like that or almost 40 pounds in a year.

And that’s without adding in any exercise.


Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Unfortunately, as you’ve probably discovered, it’s a lot more difficult than that for women to lose weight and keep it off for more than a few months.

And it’s not just that conventional diets rely on the “Calories In, Calories Out” hypothesis.

It’s also because these diets force you to make sacrifices that no one can realistically hope to sustain.

I don’t know about you, but I have zero interest in:

  • Eating bland, flavorless food for weeks, much less months, at a time
  • Sticking to a limited diet of only a few ingredients for the rest of my life
  • Spending a small fortune on ordering containers of premade, preservative-rich food
  • Liking how I look but hating how I feel

Most important of all, these diets fail because dropping calories may help you lose weight, but that’s not the same as becoming healthier.

So, if you’ve ever tried conventional diets that are high in carbohydrates and low in natural fats (i.e. basically every diet available), it’s not your fault that you didn’t permanently lose weight. It’s not your fault if you actually ended up gaining weight, either.

And don’t worry: help is on its way.

I promise.


Love the free guide? Get your copy of Keto for Women full of 416 pages of keto know-how for the average keto lady: Amazon | Target |Barnes & Noble | Books a Million | Indie Bound | Indigo | | Walmart

Keto Weight Loss for Women - Sample Chapter from my new book!

Even within the Keto Diet, every woman is different. This is why I’ve never recommended some “cookie-cutter” diet for everyone (and, no, it’s not because there is no such thing as keto cookies – there definitely are).

In Keto for Women, I provide customizable resources, so you can choose recipes that include the ingredients you’re currently in need of most to address your particular health concerns – not just weight loss.

“I’ve Tried the Keto Diet Before and It Didn’t Work”

Even though I’ve used the Keto Diet to achieve a complete hormone fix, lose weight, increase my energy levels, and build toned muscles, I still hear from plenty of women who believe it won’t work for them.

Sometimes, they’re simply so accustomed to what they’ve heard all their lives about the proper diet that they have a hard time considering anything else. It can definitely be tough at first to make the switch when you’ve grown up on diet recommendations that say you have to eat a loaf of bread, a wheelbarrow full of vegetables, and a whole host of different supplements (nothing says “complete diet” like lots and lots of supplements) every single day.

However, to be fair, I know that a lot of women have tried what they thought was a low-carb diet. They may have even tried it more than once. Unfortunately, they didn’t get the results they wanted and concluded that while keto weight loss may be possible for some women, it just doesn’t work for them.

Here’s the thing: whenever I’ve asked these women about what they ate on their version of the Keto Diet, what they always describe is what is probably better referred to as the “low-carb” diet.

The diet outlined in Keto for Women is not the same as the “low-carb” diet.

Far too often, “low-carb” means “low-carb and low-fat.”

That is not ideal and it is not how women get the healthy bodies they want on the Keto Diet.

What’s worse, “low-carb” often means “low-carb and low-calorie.”

Again, that kind of diet only sets up women for failure. You drop your carbs – which is good – but you also drop any other chance you have of fueling your body. As a result, you spend your days walking around like a zombie, have almost no energy to bring to your workouts, and eventually return to your previous eating habits.

The approach I outline in Keto for Women is completely different and will completely change you, inside and out.


A sample from my newest paperback book, Keto for Women.

Love the free guide? Get your copy of Keto for Women full of 416 pages of keto know-how for the average keto lady: Amazon | Target |Barnes & Noble | Books a Million | Indie Bound | Indigo | | Walmart

I hope you enjoyed this sample of what’s inside Keto for Women! If you decide to get a copy I know you’re going to love it!



This entry was tagged: keto for women, weight loss

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Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)

a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.

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