Blood Work Patterns: Mycotoxins

By June 21, 2024

Blood Work Patterns: Mycotoxins

In today’s episode of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, we’re diving into a topic that affects many but is often overlooked—mycotoxins and mold exposure. In this episode, titled “Blood Work Patterns: Mycotoxins,” we’ll uncover the hidden signs of mold exposure, from water-damaged buildings to symptoms like brain fog and sinus infections. We’ll discuss how blood work, more than urine tests, can effectively track your progress in a mycotoxin detox protocol, highlighting key indicators such as elevated monocytes, low pH, and fluctuating LDL/HDL levels.

You’ll also hear about my personal detox recommendations, including the use of activated charcoal, glucomannan, and zeolite, alongside liver and biofilm agents. Plus, I’ll share handy resources and links to detailed protocols for tackling mycotoxin issues right from my website. Let’s get started on your journey to better health by understanding how mold and mycotoxins might be affecting you and how blood work can be a powerful tool in your detoxification process. Stay tuned for actionable advice, insider tips, and lots more!

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Leanne Vogel [00:00:00]:

I don’t want you to get to the point where when you unlock your door you’re thinking, oh my goodness, this home is making me sick because that is a very unsettling feeling and it’s just not healthy. Hey, my name is Leann and I’m fascinated with helping women navigate how to eat, move and care for their bodies. This has taken me on a journey from vegan keto high protein to everything in between. I’m a small town holistic nutritionist turned three time international bestselling author turned functional medicine practitioner practitioner offering telemedicine services around the globe to women looking to better their health and stop second guessing themselves. I’m here to teach you how to wade through the wellness noise to get to the good stuff that’ll help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic ailments, striving for peak performance, or simply eager to live a more vibrant life, this podcast is your go to resource for actionable advice and inspiration. Together, we’ll uncover the interconnectedness of nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management and mindset empowering you to make informed, informed choices that support your unique health journey. Think of it as quality time with your bestie mixed with a little med school so you’re empowered at your next doctor visit.

Leanne Vogel [00:01:14]:

Get ready to be challenged and encouraged while you learn about your body and how to care for it healthfully. Join me as we embrace vitality, reclaim our innate potential, and discover what it truly means to pursue healthfulness. Hello my friend. It has been ages since I’ve recorded an episode in a closet, but my room was just so echoey that I get to sit in between my clothing and come up with a new episode for you. And this one’s a special one because it’s just you and me and we’re talking about mold. It’s one of my most favorite topics aside from parasites, and I wanted to take you through some of the patterns to look for in your blood work that could point to some red flag markers that are consistent with mycotoxin issues. So I wanted to take you through some of the things that I know about Mold in the most concise way that I know how to facilitate some of the conversation around mold. Mold is an epic topic.

Leanne Vogel [00:02:24]:

There’s a lot to it, but there are some key factors that you can kind of consider as you navigate through all of this. So if you’re not familiar with a couple of the topics that we’re going to be speaking on, I want to kind of give you some homework to do whether you listen to this episode and then you go back through old episodes to kind of deepen your understanding of what we’re talking about, or you pause this episode now and go back through the old episodes before you listen to this episode, it really doesn’t matter. But if you love this content and you want to learn more about blood work, you want to learn more about Mold, I have some resources to share with you. So if you’re new to the idea of looking at your blood work and understanding some functional patterns in your blood work, basically what this means is when you don’t feel well and you go to your doctor and they do blood work, they’re looking diagnostically at the blood work to kind of give you an idea of whether or not diagnostically there is anything wrong with you. But your cells will tell you a whole bunch more than just diagnostic pieces. And so functional blood chemistry is where. Where we look at the body as a whole using the cellular profile that we see from blood work, and we look at what your body is saying functionally. And so I made the switch in my practice in 2019 when I started realizing that, though my doctors were saying that I was well, I was far from well.

Leanne Vogel [00:03:48]:

And so I started studying under individuals like Michael Rutherford and Emily Morrow and a couple of other brilliant minds in the space when it comes to functional blood work, and have really, over time, meeting with hundreds of clients one on one, started figuring out certain patterns and certain ways to adjust protocols that I had been given by my teachers to be as effective as possible for the individuals. Now, some of the stuff that I’m covering today is so incredibly unique, but the template is very similar. It just requires a personal touch. And so I do try to share as much content as I can so that you can navigate your own health. But sometimes a personalized touch from a practitioner is required. So if you do some of these things and you’re just not getting any movement, please, please don’t get discouraged. Sometimes it just takes that professional eye to be like, oh, yeah, yeah, you’re just missing this one thing. And so I’m hopeful that the things that I’m sharing with you is enough that you can really get going and really understand this topic.

Leanne Vogel [00:04:49]:

But if you need more support, you can always reach out to me. Probably the best way to do that is either through my website by going to health full, and go to the contact page there. I’ve been getting a lot of, like, spam messages. So on that contact page, it’s going to ask you what my name is. It’s Leanne, spelled L e a n n E. So if you’re unsure, you can fill that out, and we will stay in contact there. Or if you have instagram, you can send me a DM. And I’m usually pretty good at getting back to individuals that have questions or need to work with me or just need that second opinion in a one on one format.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:23]:

So when it comes to blood work and just understanding blood work patterns, a couple of episodes that you might want to check out that I’ve done in the past. From February 15, 2022, episode 356, and just understanding your blood work, what it means, what functional blood chemistry is. Then again, we did an episode March 15, 2022. That was episode 360, part two of understanding your blood work. April 19 of 2022, we did blood work patterns where I started this series that’s been going on since April 2022, where I basically share certain patterns. This is basically markers of all different kinds that when they’re high or low, and together, it makes a pattern that suggests a certain thing. So there’s anemia patterns, there’s vitamin B deficiency patterns, there’s anemias across the board patterns. There’s exhaustion patterns, adrenal patterns, inflammation patterns, bacterial or gut issue patterns.

Leanne Vogel [00:06:23]:

And the pattern we’re speaking about today is mycotoxins. So we did episode 374, 378, 400, 3435, and 452 have all been dedicated to blood work. So if you love this topic and you want to really get into it, and the podcast player that you listen to doesn’t allow you to search for things. I love my podcast player that I use on my Android because I can search for items within a show, and it’s my most favorite thing. But if you just don’t have that, that’s a good option to just start understanding more about blood work. So if you want to get more into the mold conversation, I’ve done a couple of mold episodes in the past. Episode 285, 347, 354, 394, and 424. I feel like I’m a host on a bingo situation, because those are a lot of numbers, so feel free to write all of those things down.

Leanne Vogel [00:07:25]:

Listen to those episodes. If you really just want to get into this topic, we’ve covered it a couple of times. What I want to do something a little bit different, and that I want to go through some blood work and just explain some of the mycotoxin patterns, what to look for in your own blood work, and if you want to go deeper into the blood work conversation and really understand what these ranges are, you can go to healthful bloodwork to learn more about the ranges, because what you’re going to see on your standard lab is going to give you diagnostic ranges. So they’re going to wait until things are really, really high or really, really low before they do something, because diagnostically, that’s where they’re at. But functionally, we want to tighten in those ranges. So if you don’t know what those ranges are, we’re not going to be going through that. In spite specifics in this episode, you can go over to healthful bloodwork, check that out, see if that’s something that you’d be interested in. And within that program, I give you all of the ranges for each of the markers and give you number one reasons why those markers are high or low.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:31]:

And so with today’s episode, you can go through. Okay, well, Leanne said that when these five markers are high or low, that feeds in to a mycotoxin pattern. So we can actually see how we’re progressing through a mycotoxin protocol while going through our blood work. Okay, so how do we know that we’ve been exposed to mold? What are mycotoxins? What’s going on here? What are we talking about when we’re talking about mold? So there are a couple of key things that I want you to think about that are, like, simple when it comes to mold, and that’s just, have you been in a water damaged building? Do you have any sort of water damage within your home, in your workplace, at your gym, at your church? That can give us a pretty good indication of whether or not you’re dealing with a mold situation. Okay. Mold is the exposure to the actual water damage. Okay. I’m going to keep this super simple.

Leanne Vogel [00:09:29]:

There are so many different pieces to this and how it all works, but let’s keep it super, super simple. So you’re exposed to the water damage. This is mold. It, then the toxins that the mold creates that the body has a hard time with, those are called mycotoxins. So each specific mold will create a different mycotoxin. Okay, so, for example, alpha toxin is created by the aspergillus mold. Okay. Whereas citronin is created by aspergillus penicillium stacuboitrism.

Leanne Vogel [00:10:04]:

So when we’re thinking about mold, we need to understand our exposure to the mold and then the toxin that it creates and then the symptom or the key symptoms that relate to that specific mycotoxin. So some of the issues that I see, just broad scope issues when we’re dealing with a mycotoxin issue in the body has to do with nosebleeds, brain fog, sinus infections. That’s a big one. Like, ongoing sinus issues. Memory loss, hoarse voice, feeling achy all over, headaches. Headaches are a big, big one. Experiencing static shocks. Those were mine when we lived in a water damaged home for a couple of years, and we did some renovations.

Leanne Vogel [00:10:48]:

The amount of static shocks that I was getting on a daily basis, touching literally anything, was astounding. Shortness of breath. When you’re not doing anything that should cause the shortness of breath, you’re just constantly gasping for air, stuffy nose whistling, or, like, wheeziness in your chest. If you’re waking up in the middle of the night feeling short of breath, or you’re waking up multiple times, another big one are cycle dysregulations. Like, you’ve moved into a new home, and all of a sudden you’re not getting your period or your period is weird. These can be signs that we’re dealing with mycotoxins. Now, if you are living in a water damaged area, like, or you’re working in a water damaged building or your gym, just had a big situation, and then you started feeling terrible, like, one plus one is two. You’re probably dealing with a mold situation, and you can get going with addressing that immediately.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:41]:

But if you’re, like, on the fence and you want to understand from a blood work perspective, kind of like, what’s going on, and then the cool thing is, is as you’re addressing the mycotoxins in your body, you can recheck your blood work to see how you’re progressing through the protocol, which is so fun that you can see, like, am I hitting the target with this, or am I missing the mark? And so with a classic mycotoxin pattern. Now, I do have to say that not everyone that’s exposed to mold that has symptoms of mycotoxin illness will show up with patterns in their blood work. Usually the best way to test for mold and mycotoxin issues is going to be through urine testing. Unfortunately, what a lot of practitioners will do is instantly, when they think that there could be a mold mycotoxin issue, they’re going to send you for a urine test. You’re going to do it, and it’s going to come back low, likely because your drainage pathways aren’t open. Now, the unfortunate thing, when we are exposed to mold, it’s going to block our liver’s ability to detoxify the mycotoxins, and so they won’t always show up in our urine. So we have to provoke the body to get rid of the mycotoxins. And that is what’s called a provoking mycotoxin test.

Leanne Vogel [00:12:58]:

And I do use that a ton in my practice. But oftentimes, truly, 90% of the time, I’m not testing mycotoxins. I’m looking at blood work. I’m using symptoms, I’m using history, and we’re moving forward with those details because it’s far more cost effective and it can be repeated as often as we want. For myself personally, like when we moved into our new home and I wasn’t feeling too great, I did a urine test because my body is super slow to respond via blood work with the mycotoxins. But usually the blood work, if an individual is dealing with mycotoxins, mold issues, has been going on for a pretty long time. Usually we can see it in the blood work in conjunction with some of the symptoms that I mentioned, electrolytes facilitate hundreds of functions in the body, including the conduction of nerve impulses, hormonal regulation, nutrient absorption, and fluid balance. Nearly every one of my clients that I work with, one on one, have an imbalance of electrolytes in some way from symptoms of headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, sleeplessness, or seen right there in their blood work.

Leanne Vogel [00:14:02]:

Much of this is improved with proper electrolyte supplementation. Now, I personally consume one packet of electrolytes daily, at least, and not just any electrolyte element, because it doesn’t have any sugar fillers, coloring, or artificial anything. And it has an effective electrolyte ratio that so many of the other brands just do not do. Right. That includes 1000 milligrams of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium. Right now, element is offering my listeners a free sample pack with any drink mix order. That’s eight single serving packets, free with any drink mix order. Get

Leanne Vogel [00:14:42]:

kDP and this deal is only available through this link. All orders made will come with a no questions asked refund policy. So you can try it totally risk free. And if you don’t like it, you can get your money back, no questions asked. That’s dash Kdp for your free sample pack with any drink mix order. So, like I said at the beginning, when it comes to blood work, what we’re doing with blood work is we’re looking at how the cells are functioning. Your cells are the most. Well, the most simplest way we can test.

Leanne Vogel [00:15:20]:

And so testing the cells tells us if there’s an ultimate, like, major issue that the body is responding to. And so oftentimes with mycotoxin issues, we’ll see that the monocytes, which is part of your classic CBC with differential panel, the monocytes are going to be elevated. We might also see that we have low ph, low CO2, low ferritin, usually around the thirties, a, low a, one c. We might see higher low white blood cells, higher low red blood cells, higher low iron, higher low cholesterol. Now, usually when we are first exposed to the mold, our cholesterol will increase. Like, we’ll have higher ldl, hdl, but then over time, it’ll start to drop to, like, pretty low levels. And so that just depends on the progress and the exposure timeline. We might also see higher low glucose or higher low crp.

Leanne Vogel [00:16:15]:

Usually when it comes to the CRP, it will usually be around the two ish, two to three or higher. That’s usually what I find. ESR might be high. Bacophils are usually going to be high. Bun creatinine might also be high or low. Citric acid might be high, or low phosphorus might be higher. Low alkaline phosphatase is usually going to be low in most people, though. If it’s affecting your liver, you will usually be higher.

Leanne Vogel [00:16:43]:

Same with ast alt. Usually in these individuals, it’s going to be higher. Unless you’re b six deficient, then it’ll be on the lower end. And when we start supplementing with b six, all of a sudden the ast alt will go elevated. We can sometimes see neutrophils being high or low, lymphocytes being high or low. And LDH. Now, LDH, I usually see being low in these individuals because as we are exposed to mold, ongoing. What happens is that our gut gets involved and then our absorption gets involved, and all of a sudden, we start dealing with anemia patterns.

Leanne Vogel [00:17:19]:

Long term, our LDH decreases because our body’s not absorbing a ton of nutrients, and we just get this, like, depletion state across the board. Okay, so what have I said so far in, like, the simplest terms? Number one, blood work is a way that we can test ourselves to determine what’s going on in our bodies. It’s the most effective way to determine what’s going on with us functionally. I stand behind that. I use blood work as the main focus of most of my client work only because it is super accessible. It’s way less expensive than other functional tests, and it’s way broader when it comes to how to help the body or at least determine what’s going on with the body initially and then how to follow up to determine that protocols that we’re doing or actions that you’re taking are actually working. And it’s so cool, within two to three months, you can massively change your blood work and start to see some really great improvements in the cells. And this is also really encouraging.

Leanne Vogel [00:18:20]:

When you’re dealing with a body that’s more of a warrior type individual where you don’t feel a lot of things. And so sometimes it can be helpful to see the blood work start to change. You’re like, yes, I’m on the right track, even though things are a little bit wonky and I’m not feeling this yet, we can see it in the blood work, and that’s really encouraging. Number two, we know that we, when we are exposed to mold or mycotoxins, it’s not a great thing. Now, when it comes to the mold, it’s how the body handles these mycotoxins. If you are a super healthy individual, you have strong vitality, you’re getting good sleep, you work out, you get a lot of sunshine, you’re drinking a ton of water, maybe your drainage pathways are open, you’re doing casserole packs, and you’re sweating a couple times a week. Chances are this mold exposure is not going to hit you the same as somebody who is not eating enough, not going to the gym, working nine to five, super stressed out, not taking any solo time. Drainage pathways are not open.

Leanne Vogel [00:19:19]:

Like, all of those issues are going to make you more susceptible long term to dealing with mold issues and it being harder to detoxify. Okay. And then, number three, we talked about testing. When it comes to functional testing, I don’t think the best way forward for mycotoxin testing is to do a urine test. If you’re going to do a urine test, you want to ask your practitioner to make sure that it’s a provoked urine test so that you get an accurate amount of actual mycotoxins in the body. The only problem with that is, though, you’re not going to get a big picture. Like, is the liver having issues with this? Are the kidneys involved? Do we need to bring in more supplementation to support the adrenals? Like, the blood work can show you so much. So number four to that is if you want to delve deeper into blood work and manage this yourself.

Leanne Vogel [00:20:07]:

You can go to bloodwork, and in that program, I put together this entire Excel spreadsheet for you that gives you both metric and standard amounts of the functional ranges. So you can input your own data and determine whether or not you’re high or low in those markers that I just shared with you to determine your mold mycotoxin pattern. Now, like I said, when you’re testing your blood work, just because you don’t have the mold mycotoxin pattern or there’s some that are high or low or normal doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not dealing with mold or mycotoxins. I think a lot of the times when you start to hear this sort of content, I know when I started learning about mold and mycotoxins, I was like, oh, my gosh, this makes so much sense. I totally dealt with mold and mycotoxin illness. When we started renovating our upstairs in our home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, when we were doing all those renovations, I started feeling absolutely terrible, and I had no idea why. Well, we, after the renovation or through the renovation, our general contractor came to me and said we found a bunch of water damage in the walls. So we cut it out.

Leanne Vogel [00:21:16]:

All is good. We’re just going to patch it up. It’ll be great. And I didn’t know. I had no idea that that was a huge issue. And so I think a lot of the times we can rely on testing and all these fancy things when in reality, you know, you know that when you moved into a house, you started feeling worse. You know, when you started a job, you started feeling worse. Like, if you just spend the time and go through your history and come up with a good history, take a couple of weeks to just write down, oh, yeah, yeah.

Leanne Vogel [00:21:44]:

January 2017, this happened. I totally forgot about that. And really just take your time. And you’d be amazed when you put together a thorough history for yourself. The patterns that you start to see just based on your own history is astounding. So let’s say that you’ve determined, okay, like, maybe there is a mold mycotoxin issue. What do I do now? I feel helpless. Oh, my gosh.

Leanne Vogel [00:22:07]:

I’ve just uncovered this thing. This makes so much sense. What’s up? So I think the biggest issue, and I talk about this a ton with my clients often, is when we have determined that the home that we’re living in is unsafe or we feel like it could be unsafe, there’s this unsettling feeling that happens because our home is supposed to be our safe place and all of a sudden we realize that maybe our home is making us sick. I don’t want you to get to the point where when you unlock your door you’re thinking, oh my goodness, this home is making me sick because that is a very unsettling feeling and it’s just not healthy. The number one way to keep your home safe, if remediation is just not an option for you, is to make sure that your air is clean. This is absolutely essential to the whole process. And you can detox your body left, right, sideways and inside out. But if you are not keeping your air clean and your space clean, it’s just you’re, you’re cleaning up muddy house while kids, eleven children are running through the house with muddy shoes.

Leanne Vogel [00:23:09]:

It’s just not going to work. And so in episode 462 of the podcast, we talked about air quality. I would encourage you to listen to that episode because it was amazing. 462 now I have a couple of air filtration units in my home. I equally love both the Jasper and the air doctor units. In that episode I talk a little bit more about them and why. I would lean more toward the Jasper unit for a couple of reasons. One, their customer support is phenomenal.

Leanne Vogel [00:23:41]:

I’ve had issues with air Doctor in the past and their customer service, they also do not offer refunds. They’re super challenging to connect with. I don’t like that the air doctor, the way that it filters basically is only from one side, whereas the Jasper unit collects air from all sides. It’s far more powerful with the Jasper unit, but the Jasper unit does cost more and the ongoing cost ends up equaling out pretty evenly across the board because the air doctor requires changes every about three months or so. So from a filtration standpoint it’s about even, at least for the units that I have. But like if I was asked, okay, which unit do you prefer? I would lean more toward the Jasper for the customer service and the ability to suck up the air from all areas. But I do like the air doctor because it’s a lot more affordable for families and you can put a couple of units in the home and be a lot more cost effective long term. So in that episode I talk about that a little bit more, but air quality, absolutely essential.

Leanne Vogel [00:24:46]:

Making sure that you’re cleaning your home, absolutely essential. So what I do, I know it’s insane and this might not be something that you want to entertain, but I vacuum my home once a day with a HEPA vacuum, it takes me five or ten minutes. I live in a 1500 square foot home that works well for me. If you have kids with their toys everywhere, that’s probably not going to work. I do not. You know, my dog takes up some space, but it’s nothing like a child. So you just do what you can do on that spot. I know that there are a couple of really good robot vacuums that work pretty well, that are HEPA filtered that you can get, and then wet dusting.

Leanne Vogel [00:25:23]:

Wet dusting is the best way because mold is going to settle, and so those particles are best cleaned with water, even, like, just getting it off of the surfaces. So I personally do each room once a week because that works for my schedule. And I just set up a schedule. I’m just fresh from Italy. In fact, I just got back last night, and like a crazy person, I’m recording this podcast. I feel like I should be jet lagged. I haven’t felt it yet, so that’s great. But I’m having a hard time remembering what my cleaning schedule is.

Leanne Vogel [00:25:57]:

So I think Monday is bathrooms. Tuesday is hallway. Oh, no. Tuesday is kitchen. Wednesday is hallways and dining room, living room, and then Thursday is bedroom. And then Friday. Saturday. Sunday is just like general cleaning or like, sometimes I’ll do the backyard or whatever, and that works really, really well for me.

Leanne Vogel [00:26:18]:

Otherwise, it’s this mad dash on Sunday afternoon to clean the whole house. And I never do a good job. And so I find if I just separate each room and assign it for a day, I always just do it. It’s super simple and I stay on top of it. So that’s a number. One thing when it comes to mold is understanding your environment. If it’s at work, then you need to get some sort of filter unit. And if your work is actually making you that sick, sometimes further things need to be done.

Leanne Vogel [00:26:43]:

And that’s more of a personal thing that we won’t get into in today’s show. Then it comes to what’s going on with your body. So earlier I was talking about making sure that your drainage pathways are open. If you are new to this concept and you have no idea what I’m talking about when it comes to drainage, I highly recommend that you check out episode 358 where we talked about drainage pathways, and then also 391 where we talk about drainage pathways, what they are, how to open them, basically how your body gets rid of stuff. Okay, so we have, like, liver, sweating, pooping, peeing. You get the idea. Breathing our lungs or a drainage pathway. So we go through like how to open up those pathways that the things that are inside can get outside.

Leanne Vogel [00:27:31]:

A big issue that I see when it comes to mold and mycotoxins have to do with gallbladder removals. I see this often because bile is absolutely essential to the detoxification of mycotoxins. When our liver is imbalanced long term, our gallbladder is going to be taken out. That doesn’t remove the problem, it just removes the organ responding to the problem and then we have more problems. Okay, so liver support kind of gets into our next phase of supporting mycotoxins in our body, which is the more supplemental process. Now, this is where it gets highly personalized. Okay, first we have to open up your drainage pathways. Like I said, oftentimes this is manual supports.

Leanne Vogel [00:28:18]:

You can do supplements as well. Some of my favorites are from a company called cellcore, which I use quite often. If you check out selcor and you need support with it, just send me a little message. I’m happy to set you up with it and give you some outlines. You can also go to healthful parasite and sign up for that little download. And that will give you access to Cellcore as well. So you can use it directly there. If you have any parasites or gut issues, usually it’s best to just get started and touch on gut before you move your way to mold.

Leanne Vogel [00:28:54]:

Now, a good mold protocol is going to have a couple of key features. Okay? So it’s going to have drainage support in case we talked about that a little bit. Usually gallbladder, bile, liver. It’s going to have an antifungal. Because when we start detoxing mold, a bunch of different yeast fungal issues are going to happen. Usually. I remember when I detox mold the first time I broke out in this like fungal rash all around my body for a month. It sucked a lot.

Leanne Vogel [00:29:26]:

Okay, so don’t do what I did and get on an antimicrobial. We know that we lose muscle as we age and that this loss massively affects our ability to function. Like I’m talking basic tasks here, muscle is important for protecting our joints and also keeping our metabolism revving. Basically you want muscle. And unfortunately, a lot of us just don’t prioritize muscle maintenance or see it as an importance. And you may also be cringing at the idea of going to the gym and being able to maintain that muscle consistently. Yes, active moving is super good and there’s really nothing like it when it comes to the mood boost of pumping iron. So when I share about urolithin a, I am not saying just to do this and you can maintain your muscle without movement.

Leanne Vogel [00:30:22]:

Well, like I am saying that because urolithin a does do that. But I think pairing urolithin a with exercise is likely the best path forward. So I started taking a product called mito pure to boost my performance and improve muscular strength. And Mito Pure has 500 milligrams per serving of urolithin a, a postbiotic shown to have major benefits to significantly increasing muscle strength and endurance with no other change in lifestyle. Yes, yes, you heard that right. I just said that it has major benefits to significantly increase muscle strength and endurance with no other change to lifestyle. It gives your body the energy it needs to optimize its cellular power grid through boosted mitochondrial health without changes to lifestyle or diet. Now imagine what it could do with your low carb diet and a walking goal or a lifting goal a couple of times per week.

Leanne Vogel [00:31:25]:

Week. It took me a long time, like a couple of months, to introduce mito pure to my day because it’s so strong. Every time I took it, I almost had too much energy. So I really had to titrate up. Mitopur is the first product to offer a precise dose of urolithin a to upgrade mitochondrial function, increase cellular energy, and improve muscle strength and endurance. They’ve created three ways to get your daily dose of of 500 milligrams of urolithin a in their product mito pure. They’ve got a delicious vanilla protein powder that combines muscle building protein with the cellular energy of mito pure. Now, this product does contain whey protein, and then they have a berry powder that easily mixes into smoothies or just about any drink.

Leanne Vogel [00:32:13]:

This is dairy free. And finally, the softgels, which is what I prefer because it’s just easier. This is also dairy free. I love the starter pack idea, though. If you can handle the dairy, the three forms of mito pure to play around with, which one is your favorite? Top notch. So, timeline, the creators of Mito pure is putting together a sweet little offer for you. 10% off your first order. So if you go to timeline kdp and use the code KDP, you’ll get 10% off your order.

Leanne Vogel [00:32:48]:

Again, that’s kdp. I recommend trying their starter pack with all three formats and picking out your best format. Again, that’s timeline kdp. And so some of my favorite, like yeast based antimicrobials, is usually what I do from, like, with a mold kind of approach. And so that’s going to be things like Caprin, fcidal dysbiocide sometime. In some cases, IFC from selcor is a good one. Even ADP is a good one. I’ve also put together a mold, a general mold protocol that might really help you get started.

Leanne Vogel [00:33:37]:

And so I’ll include that link in the show notes for the mold protocol. It’s called mold and mycotoxins, and it’s accessible via fullscript. And when you sign up, you get a 20% automatic discount on your account. So if you just want kind of that template, and I go through that very similar thing, we have the antifungal, we have the detox support, and then also it’s absolutely essential to be on some sort of binding agent, basically binding up the mycotoxins and getting them out of the body. Now, here’s where sometimes months into the process of detoxing mold and mycotoxins, it’s really helpful to know which ones we’re working with, and that is when urine mycotoxin testing is so useful. So if I have a client who, we go through her history, we’re like, yep, totally. There’s a mold issue. We go through symptoms, and we’re like, yes, double, there’s a mold issue.

Leanne Vogel [00:34:31]:

And then even we see it in the blood work. I’m like, we don’t need to test for mycotoxins. Would you agree that this is a situation we need to handle? And they’re usually like, yes. So we get started on that. If after months of addressing mold and mycotoxins, and it is a month’s kind of thing, sometimes longer, if we’re not making progress, then I will test the urine to figure out, like, are we dealing with orthotoxin? Are we dealing with citron? Are we dealing with aflatoxin? Because how you address each of these mycotoxins is going to be a little bit different. And different binding agents will bind certain mycotoxins. So that’s when you can get specific to the urine testing. But it’s very rare that I will do it before that.

Leanne Vogel [00:35:12]:

And so things like activated charcoal or glucomannan or humic acid or zeolite or pre or probiotics can all be used to bind the mycotoxins and get them out of the body. So I’ve put together a little free outline for mycotoxin and mold detoxification. Again, I’ll include that link in the show. Notes. If you’re unsure of where the show notes are, you’re clicking around and you’re like, leanne, I don’t know where this is. Help me. Just go to help. Full podcast, and it will be on that page with the link.

Leanne Vogel [00:35:49]:

It’ll be a full script link. When you click that, it’s going to ask you to sign up because it won’t show it to you without signing up. Unfortunately, this is, like, beyond my control because it’s another website. But when you sign up, you get 20% off. You see the protocol. You can pixie choosy whatever you want, and it just makes it really simple to understand what those steps are, what it looks like, and how to support yourself through this. So, within that mold, mycotoxin plan on fullscript. We’ve talked about the essential binder situation.

Leanne Vogel [00:36:20]:

And so in that mycotoxin outline, I’ve chosen one of my favorite binders. I use this time and time and time again because it has a combination of different binders in it, and because it’s a powder, you can titrate up to an amount that works well for you. I also include some biofilm agents so you can understand how to break down the biofilms. Biofilms essential to getting to the mold of mycotoxins. And we’ve talked about biofilms on the podcast in many, many episodes. But basically, a biofilm, think of it like a glass, a brick wall that’s behind a whole bunch of stuff that your body can’t get to. So the act of the biofilm buster is to break through that brick wall so we can get beyond, to actually annihilate the things beyond the wall by breaking down that wall. Then the body knows, oh, hey, there’s an issue here.

Leanne Vogel [00:37:13]:

I need to work on this. I need to get going with this. And oftentimes, that’s a time where the blood work is going to look a little bit wonky, because all of a sudden, the body’s like, wait a minute, there’s mycotoxins here. And so oftentimes, the blood work will get worse before it gets better. I also include some liver agents and supports on there, so you can understand how to address that. And then I also included a couple of minerals that help throughout the mycotoxin address. And then also my favorite, antifungal. Okay, so a couple of resources that we’ve talked about to kind of just like, well, round out your mycotoxin mold.

Leanne Vogel [00:37:50]:

Understanding is the blood work course. So healthful bloodwork is going to give you the functional ranges. So if you really want to get into blood work and you want like an introduction, understanding the functional ranges, that’s where to go for that. Also, if you’re looking to kind of do this on your own and you want a template with a company called Cellcore, I’ve put together a free resource for you on there. You can go to healthful parasite for that and kind of look at that, understand drainage pathways a little bit more and how to support yourself. And then the third resource is the full script protocol outline that I’ve put together when it comes to supplements. And I will include the link in the show notes because it’s a super long URL and you’ll never be able to type it all out and make it work. So that just gives you an understanding of the supplements.

Leanne Vogel [00:38:41]:

Okay, so I feel like I’ve given you a ton to think about. I hope that this episode has been helpful. Definitely listen to those previous episodes that we’ve done on mold and mycotoxins and drainage and blood work. Oh, I just love this topic. If you have questions about what we covered today, you can always go to contact and reach out to me or reach out to me on Instagram and I will follow up with you. We can answer your question on an upcoming episode. I love being able to connect with you and it helps me create content that you love. Okay, have a great rest of your day and we will see you back here next Tuesday.

Leanne Vogel [00:39:21]:

Bye. Thanks for listening to the Healthful Pursuit podcast. Join us next Tuesday for another episode of the show. If you’re looking for free resources, there are a couple of places you can go. The first to my blog,, where you’re going to find loads of recipes. The second is a free parasite protocol that I’ve put together for you that outlines symptoms, testing, and resources to determine whether or not not you have a parasite, plus a full protocol to follow to eradicate them from your life if you need to, that’s parasites and last but certainly not least, a full list of blood work markers to ask your doctor for so that you can get a full picture of your health. You can grab that free resource by going to labs.

Leanne Vogel [00:40:12]:

The Helpful Pursuit podcast, including show notes and links, provides information in respect to healthy living recipes, nutrition, and diet, and is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor is it to be construed as such. We cannot guarantee that the information provided on the healthful Pursuit podcast reflects the most up to date medical research. Information is provided without any representation or warranties of any kind. Please consult a qualified health practitioner with any questions you may have regarding your health and nutrition program.

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Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)

a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.

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