Fatigue, Brain Fog, Depression & Anxiety with Dr. Georgia Ede

By June 21, 2024

Fatigue, Brain Fog, Depression & Anxiety with Dr. Georgia Ede

In today’s episode of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, we’re diving deep into the intriguing intersection of diet and mental health with the brilliant Dr. Georgia Ede. Dr. Ede, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in nutrition science and brain metabolism, joins us to share her personal journey through various diets, her challenges with weight and health, and her discoveries about the profound impact of food quality on mental well-being.

Dr. Georgia Ede’s journey in psychiatry took an unexpected, transformative turn when she discovered the critical connection between nutrition and the brain—a connection absent from her medical school and residency training. Despite a decade of successful practice using conventional treatments like medications and psychotherapy, her own health struggles propelled her into the realm of nutritional psychiatry. Over the last 12 to 15 years, Dr. Ede has pivoted to using nutrition as her primary intervention, helping countless individuals by emphasizing the profound impact of dietary choices on mental well-being. Her pioneering work continues to bridge the gap between food and mental health, reshaping the landscape of psychiatric care.

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Dr. Georgia Ede [00:00:00]:

I think these myths, the danger in these myths lies in the fact that they distract us from paying attention to the dietary changes and the focus that actually matters, making the dietary changes actually matter.

Leanne Vogel [00:00:13]:

Welcome to the Healthful Pursuit podcast. It’s going to take me a hot moment to like, get used to saying that if you’re new around these parts, I just renamed my show after years and years and years of it being the Keto Diet podcast. So here we are, same host, same awesome stuff happening, just a different name. Let’s go. So today we’re talking about mental health. And I love this topic because as somebody who was diagnosed with add in my teens, I was told that there was really nothing I could do and I would have to take medication for the rest of my life. Fast forward a bunch of years. Having used the ketogenic diet to completely change my entire being, I no longer take my medication.

Leanne Vogel [00:00:56]:

And I love that. Our guest doctor Georgia today talked about this very thing that at first we need to get really strict around what changes we’re making with our diet, but the changes we can make with our diet completely impact our mental health. And we get to a point where our mental health is actually better. We can start to build upon that and see kind of where the limits are. And I’ve definitely found that. I found my limits within how to maintain being off my medication for the rest of my life while still being able to live my life and have the freedom around diet. So we’re talking about this very thing. But I think the biggest, biggest piece that I want you to take away from today, and I think Doctor Georgia did a great job at highlighting this, was that mental illness is on a spectrum.

Leanne Vogel [00:01:42]:

So whether you’re dealing with ADD, autism, developmental issues, concerns with Alzheimer’s, mood disorders, preparing for pregnancy, and keeping your mind sharp for this, or just dealing with a slight PTSD or anxieties, depression, brain fog, fatigue, those sorts of things where we just think, oh, I’m aging, it’s fine for my brain to decline, it’s not. So all of these things happen on a spectrum. And I found the conversation to be super encouraging when it comes to you have control to make substantial changes very quickly if you dedicate yourself to the purpose. And so, doctor Georgia is a Harvard trained psychiatrist specializing in nutrition science, brain metabolism and mental health, which is just so needed today. Her two decades of clinical experience include twelve years at Smith College and Harvard University Health Services, where she was the first to offer nutrition based therapies as an alternative to psychiatric medication. Doctor Ead speaks internationally about dietary approaches to psychiatric disorders, nutrition science, and nutrition policy reform. She is also the creator and director of the first medically accredited course in ketogenic diets for mental health practitioners in 2022. She co authored the first inpatient study of the ketogenic diet for serious mental illnesses and was honored to be named a recipient of the Basuki Brain Research funds first annual Metabolic Mind award.

Leanne Vogel [00:03:16]:

You can find more from her by going to diagnosisdiet.com and she also has a book called change your diet, change your mind and I will include the link in the show notes today. You can find more, including notes and supports over at healthful pursuit.com podcast. That’s where you’re going to find all the show notes moving forward. So that’s healthful Pursuit.com podcast. We’ll have details about our sponsors and all the show notes and ways to connect with guests. So that’s where to go. So like I said, we’re going to be talking about mental illness on a spectrum, the diet aspect of this, how eating right and exercising may not be enough and that you might not be doing the right things in the right capacity. We’re going to be talking about brain foods and the issues with that and really how to set up your diet for brain health.

Leanne Vogel [00:04:14]:

Like to actually make changes. A big part of what we talked about truly was the metabolic piece to brain function. We delved really deep into glucose regulation, insulin. I really picked her brain when it came to when we’re talking about glucose regulation, like what are the numbers that we’re looking for? Why are these metabolic issues happening and how do we control them and how do we, how do we kind of figure out if we’re dealing with a metabolic issue that’s affecting our brain health? So we spent a ton of time kind of in the trenches around that. So I hope that if you’re looking for a brand new perspective to how do I make my brain function better, I’m having a hard time. I hope this brings light to a challenging conversation. So let’s get right down to it. I hope you enjoy our time with Doctor Georgia ead.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:10]:

Hey, my name is Leann and I’m fascinated with helping women navigate how to eat, move and care for their bodies. This has taken me on a journey from vegan keto high protein to everything in between. I’m a small town holistic nutritionist turned three time international bestselling author turned functional medicine practitioner offering telemedicine services around the globe to women looking to better their health and stop second guessing themselves I’m here to teach you how to wade through the wellness noise to get to the good stuff that will help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic ailments, striving for peak performance, or simply eager to live a more vibrant life, this podcast is your go to resource for actionable advice and inspiration. Together, we’ll uncover the interconnectedness of nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management and mindset empowering you to make informed choices that support your unique health journey. Think of it as quality time with your bestie mixed with a little med school so you’re empowered at your next doctor visit. Get ready to be challenged and encouraged while you learn about your body and how to care for it healthfully. Join me as we embrace vitality, reclaim our innate potential, and discover what it truly means to pursue healthfulness.

Leanne Vogel [00:06:33]:

Hi Doctor Georgia, how’s it going?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:06:36]:

Great. How’s it going for you?

Leanne Vogel [00:06:37]:

I’m so thrilled that we get to chat about this because I don’t know too much about the brain other than I use the ketogenic diet to completely overcome add. So I have some of my own thoughts, but I’m sure you have a whole, whole wealth of knowledge that I cannot wait to dig into. So I’m just so thrilled and honored to have you on the show today.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:06:57]:

It’s really an honor to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me. And it sounds like you actually do know quite a bit about the brain because you have your own personal experience using dietary changes to improve a mental health condition. And that’s what my book is all about, and that’s what my work is all about. So it’s a good match.

Leanne Vogel [00:07:12]:

And how did you get going on this? Because I know when I was diagnosed with ADD, the doctors said there’s really nothing I could do other than to take medication. And for the first, I would say, 15 years of having this diagnosis, I didn’t hear of anyone changing it with diet. And so how did you get going with this? What was the spark that kind of lit this path that you’re now on?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:07:36]:

Yeah, you know, we really weren’t taught about the connection between food and the brain. Not in medical school, not in four years of medical school, not in four years of psychiatry residency training. None of my colleagues were working in the field of nutrition and mental health. So it never crossed my mind that the brain cared a great deal about what we eat, which it does. And I got interested for my own selfish health reasons. So I practiced normally using medications and psychotherapy. The first ten years of my practice, and I loved my work, and I really learned a lot by working with people who are struggling with different types of mental health conditions, using medications and psychotherapy. I still use medications and psychotherapy in my work now, but for the past at least, twelve years, twelve to 15, depending on how we’re counting, I’ve been using almost exclusively nutrition as my primary intervention to help people.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:08:36]:

And it was because in my early forties, about 15 years ago, I developed some very common health issues that a lot of women who are entering middle age come across. And a lot of my own patients were telling me about things like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and IB’s and migraine headaches and sleep issues, and just generally not feeling well, despite doing everything I thought I was supposed to be doing to take care of myself, you know, eating right and exercising and that sort of thing. So, long story short, I had all kinds of tests. Everything was normal. I started experimenting with my diet just kind of instinctively to try to help myself feel better, and ultimately ended up, through trial and error, of changing my diet, ended up with a diet that was almost completely upside down from what we’re told to eat. And it resolved every single one of the problems that I was having. And then on top of that, my mental health, which I had never thought was particularly bad, improved really noticeably so. My mood, my energy, my concentration, my productivity, these were things I weren’t even trying to improve.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:09:43]:

I wasn’t even trying to improve. I was trying to improve the physical symptoms of what I thought was middle age. So that got me thinking. A psychiatrist, I thought, well, this upside down diet seems to be really good for the brain, but it’s not a diet that I feel comfortable recommending to my patients because it’s so different from what the general recommendations are the guidelines tell us. And so I decided to study nutrition independently for the first time. Really just read everything I could get my hands on about nutrition to try to understand what we know and don’t know about nutrition science. And I’m still immersed in that world today, learning new things all the time. But I think the bottom line is that almost everything I thought I knew about nutrition was completely wrong.

Leanne Vogel [00:10:28]:

It’s hard to sit down as a practitioner and realize that you were wrong and that you directed individuals in the wrong way. And I think that that tells a lot about an individual’s character, that they’re like, Kate, we need to redo this. We need to kind of go back to the basics. So it’s incredible that you were given that gift. Although it was a challenge to probably go through that yourself, there’s something about an individual that goes through it personally that has just a special place in their heart. I’ve been in this space for 20 years and have onboarded countless individuals that have h pylori, and I would just see it on their GI map address accordingly. You know, bang, bang, boom, until I got h pylori myself. And now anytime I see anyone with h pylori, I’m like, are you comfortable? Are you okay? Are you sleeping well? How uncomfortable are you? Do you need something for your stomach comfort? Because it takes a practitioner sometimes to go through those sticky bits to then have compassion over those individuals who are coming to their practice.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:39]:

And so, though I’m sure it was challenging for you to experience firsthand some of these issues, I’m sure that it gives you just a special compassion toward the individuals that you are getting to help on a day to day basis. Which what leads me to my next question, which is, could you give us a taste of what you’re seeing in your practice? Now that you’ve studied nutrition, you’ve brought this into your practice. Can you give us a taste of what you’re seeing as the changes, what sorts of people are coming to you and with what ailments? And what’s the feeling that people are getting as they’re going through these different practices? And we’ll get into the. We’ll get into the flow of things. I just want to give people a taste of what you’re seeing in your practice.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:12:21]:

Yeah. You know, so for the first ten years of my practice, as I was saying, you know, I used medications in psychotherapy. Those were the tools that I was given as a psychiatrist in my training. And I found, even though they were interesting to use and they were somewhat helpful, that these tools failed. Most of my patients, most of my patients were just not getting that much better. And you might think, well, maybe she just didn’t have enough experience. You know, she’s fresh out of residency. You know, she’s.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:12:50]:

Maybe she just needed many more years of wisdom and experience. But when I looked around at my colleagues who had been practicing for 2030 years, the same thing was true for them, that their practices were also filling up with people who weren’t getting that much better. And this was just, this is what we were taught to expect as psychiatrists. We were taught that, you know, remission from serious mental illnesses is not possible, that medications are frustrating to work with, that psychotherapy medications have their limitations and their side effects, and they’re expensive, and they take a long time. And so, you know, it’s one of those professions where you’re going to have a lot of patients who just don’t get that much better. We were taught to think of mental illnesses as kind of chronic and mysterious and incurable, and that most of our job was going to be hanging in there with people and supporting them and trying to give them hope and trying to stick by them and listen to them and validate their experiences, but not to necessarily tell them that they could hope for a full recovery. And so now, the way I practice now, and a small but growing number of my colleagues practice this way now as well, this is a movement that started, really, in the past couple of years, it’s really exciting. This is a very exciting time to be a psychiatrist because we now have these really powerful root cause interventions, nutritional psychiatry and metabolic psychiatry, with these brand new tools that actually are so powerful that we are seeing in my own practice, in research that I’ve helped publish, and in other kinds of studies that are being done by colleagues around the world, we are seeing people completely recover from even very serious mental illnesses, sometimes within just days to weeks.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:14:35]:

And so the reason I wrote this book is because this is the most powerful tool that I’ve ever had at my disposal, and most people aren’t aware of it. And so dietary changes can be powerful treatments for mental health conditions of all kinds. They can help you in ways that no medicine can, but you have to know which changes are the ones that are most worth making, and they’re not the ones we’re used to hearing about.

Leanne Vogel [00:15:02]:

Can you tell us what mental illnesses you’re referring to, like we talked about, add at the beginning what other things, just so we can classify those individuals listening that might have some of these what we’re talking about?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:15:14]:

Yes. And so one of the reasons I love that question is because a lot of people who have mental health problems don’t identify as having mental illness. So the word mental illness or the phrase mental illness, we think of, you know, serious mental illnesses. We think of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, maybe severe OCD. But this also includes people with PTSD, with ADHD, with crippling anxiety disorders, with panic attacks, with obsessive worry, with early cognitive impairment, what’s called mild cognitive impairment, which often will be sort of the first step on the road to Alzheimer’s disease, autism in children. And so really, just about any issue with mental health, whether it’s interfering with your productivity, mood, your energy level, the way you think about things, your ability to function in the world, anything. If you do not have robust mental health, then you may fall somewhere on the spectrum of mental unwellness to mental illness. And it really is a spectrum.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:16:16]:

So it’s a matter of degree. And I think most of us have been taught to expect very little of our. Of our mental health. We’re kind of, you know, often told that, you know, it’s normal to not be able to recover from a serious trauma or stress or loss in our lives. We’re told that it’s okay to fall apart and not be able to pull yourself back together even after many months. That it’s normal for the brain to fall apart as we get older and to lose memory and concentration and productivity and not be able to function. And just as I know you focus a lot on your show, on YouTube, keeping your body healthy, strong, and resilient and metabolically well throughout the rest of your life. The same is possible for your brain, too, again, if you have the right information.

Leanne Vogel [00:17:05]:

Such an empowering message. And there was something that you said a little bit ago about eating right and exercising, and you’ve hinted at it a couple of times with the dietary guidelines there. Most of the women listening to the show have their diet pretty dialed in. Yeah, of course, we might like, I don’t know, eat a pint of ice cream here and there, but, like, we kind of know, quote unquote, what’s good for our bodies. What’s not so good for our bodies. But when you said eating right and exercising, that tells me that there’s maybe something more to this that we’re not seeing. What did you mean by that? When you said, you know, I was eating right, I was exercising, kind of like, I thought I was doing everything right, but it was still contributing to that spectrum of mental unwellness. Can you go into that a little bit more?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:17:51]:

Yes. You know, so the ideas that I. Well, maybe it will help to sort of explain where my personal context in terms of my own own diet history, because most women have a diet history. And so, you know, I was overweight as a kid. Even in first or second grade, I was one of the only overweight kids in my class. And now it’s very common, you know, for kids to be overweight. But back then, it was rare. I mean, I grew up in the seventies, and it was unusual to be overweight, so it was challenging.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:18:18]:

So I’ve been on every diet in the world, and so have most people in my family been in every diet in the world over time and as I got older, I had to keep changing my diet so that it would work. So when I was younger, I could just count calories and exercise. And then as I got older, I discovered that wasn’t working as well. I do South beach diet that was a more like a low glycemic carbohydrates. Then I discovered low co, the Atkins diet, and then I discovered ketogenic diets. I mean, I just had been through. I’ve been a weight watcher, just every diet you can imagine. But what I didn’t understand was that how to keep my metabolism healthy so that it wouldn’t.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:18:58]:

That my metabolism wouldn’t be deteriorating over time, that there were certain things I wasn’t doing properly, and there were certain foods I was still including that were working against me that I thought were good for me. For example, at the time when I was experiencing these health problems in middle life, I was eating what I thought was a healthy diet, but I was really primarily focused on controlling my weight. I mean, that’s how I thought about food. I thought about my food choices, as I think most women with weight issues do. I thought about my food choices as primarily a way to control my weight. I never thought about my food choices as having the power to nourish or properly energize or protect my brain from damage over time or the rest of my body, either. I really just was looking at that scale. I was looking in the mirror, and I was looking in the scale.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:19:48]:

I wasn’t thinking about, well, mood, energy levels, concentration levels, metabolic flexibility, resilience, the ability to think clearly and feel good and be stable and. Well, I was really just looking in the mirror and at the scale, and I think a lot of women still do that, probably not listeners of your program, because they’re more savvy. But I wasn’t thinking about my mental health or my longevity or my future cognitive health, protecting my memory for a lifetime. So I didn’t understand that Whole foods, yes, a whole foods diet, it’s really important to follow Whole Foods principles. But I didn’t understand that not all Whole foods are created equal, not all whole foods are good for us. I didn’t understand that. I didn’t understand if I was counting calories or carbohydrates, that food quality also mattered, that, okay, if I’m going to eat a low carbohydrate diet, does that mean that I can have lots of processed foods with sweeteners and these keto bars and all kinds of other things, and that to try to continue eating some of those ultra processed convenience foods, I thought, well, as long as they’re not raising, as long as I keep under my carb limit, then that’s okay, right? I didn’t understand the risks of continuing to eat ultra processed foods, and I have a much better appreciation for that now. So what I’ve done in the book is taken all the good principles of metabolic quality of diet, which for some people, it’s really just keeping your glucose and insulin levels in a healthy range.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:21:16]:

And for some people, that may just mean eating low glycemic, some that may mean eating low carb, some that may mean eating ketogenic. It’s going to vary depending on lots of different personal factors, but also the nutritional quality of the diet. Are the foods providing with all the nutrients you need, and is your diet relatively free of damaging ingredients like refined carbon? Not just refined carbohydrates, but also vegetable oils and whole grains and legumes and things that we’re taught to think of as very healthy for us. So I think I just didn’t appreciate how important it was to use both of those principles, not just for my own health, but to apply that and help my patients use these really powerful levers to improve their mental health.

Leanne Vogel [00:22:01]:

And I feel like this is such a great segue into metabolic psychiatry, which is something you mentioned previously. And I’d like to just understand a little bit more about what that is. Can you tell us what it is and how that relates to what you just mentioned?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:22:17]:

So there are two relatively, actually very new branches, sort of subspecialties, in psychiatry. One is modern nutritional psychiatry. It’s been around a little more than ten years. And the thought leaders in nutritional psychiatry focus, most of them focus primarily on the mediterranean diet as a recommended diet for better brain health. And then there’s the even newer subspecialty of metabolic psychiatry, which is interested in understanding the relationship between our metabolic health, our glucose and insulin levels and things like that, and our mental health. So to what extent does having, for example, unstable blood glucose and insulin levels, or prediabetes, or insulin resistance, or type two diabetes, to what extent do those conditions influence our mental health? How exactly do these things influence our mental health? And what can we do about it?

Leanne Vogel [00:23:13]:

The key to a successful diet is successful snacks. Now, you might disagree with me, but I look at so many food logs in a week, and I can tell you that when we don’t have healthful snacks dialed in, like dialed in, we know exactly what makes us thrive. Easy access, no GMO’s no sugar alcohols, no gluten, no grain, no corn, no soy. Like, just healthy, good snacks with no natural flavors or seed oils. Just good, pure snacks. When we have that dialed in when hunger strikes and we have that thing that we reach for time and time and time again, and we are consistent with that, it is the name of the game. Now. Of all of the snacks that I have had over the course of the last decade, my absolute favorite snack that I recommend to almost every client that’s struggling to just snack healthfully and bridge the gap between meals or even have a little mini meal, is 100% grass fed beef sticks from Paleo Valley.

Leanne Vogel [00:24:24]:

They are by far the most delicious, most nutritious snack out there when it comes to hitting our protein goals. Their sticks are beyond grass fed and sourced from grass fed and finished american farms using regenerative practices to restore environmental health. Their high quality beef is so flavorful that they only have to add organic spices rather than msg, gluten, sugar and other stuff found in meat sticks. They’re also not super chewy. They’re just soft and delicious. 100% grass fed, sourced from us family farmers. Keto paleo. They only use organic spices.

Leanne Vogel [00:25:05]:

They’re fermented for your gut health. They contain no ecas. They have 0 gram of carbs, zero sugars. They’re satiating. They’re great for on the go, and they are going to fill that gap, I promise you. So you can find more by going to paleo valley.com keto. And on that page, you’re going to find my favorite paleo Valley items. You’re going to see the beef sticks there you can use the code keto, all in caps for 15% off when you go to paleovalley.com keto.

Leanne Vogel [00:25:40]:

So how would you define unstable insulin and glucose? Because I’ve worn continuous glucose monitors and depending on what app you use, will determine what unstable glucose is like. For example, the levels app will say anything over 110 is considered unstable. But I mean, I work out five days a week. I use carbohydrates around my workout so that I can push myself hard and my glucose will go over that amount, especially when I’m working out or with insulin. I’ve seen individuals say that anywhere up to 20 is okay, but above that is not good. Like when you say unstable, can we kind of define that so people understand kind of what your approach would be?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:26:24]:

Great. I’m so glad you asked this. So there’s a whole chapter in the book about this so people can, if they want to they can use home glucose monitoring to figure out, you know, where they stand on the insulin resistance spectrum and where they stand on the spectrum of good metabolic health. Right? And so using things like a continuous glucose monitor or even a finger stick monitor or using a ketone monitor, these things can all be give you useful insights into your metabolism. But so what I describe in the book is, what I recommend in the book is that even if so, no matter what, that your glucose level should never go above 140 milligrams per deciliter. And ideally, perhaps not even above 125 after meals. Right. And so I think there’s less clarity around numbers that are lower than that.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:27:09]:

But I think, with confidence, say you really don’t want your glucose, even after you’ve eaten, to go above 125 milligrams per deciliter. But everyone would agree that above 140 is dangerous. There are two signs when you’re looking at your glucose readings, two signs of metabolic problems. One is if you’re spiking too high. So above 125 140, wherever you want to set it. The other is instability. So if you see a lot of variability in your glucose levels, and we’re not just talking about, okay, your glucose level, which will naturally rise after meals, if you’re including any amount of carbohydrate in your meal, of course it’s going to go up. We’re not talking about glucose levels that might go up or come down around the times of exercise.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:27:57]:

We’re talking about major swings in glucose levels multiple times per day, meaning glucose excursions of 30 milligrams per deciliter that are happening frequently. So if you look at that tracing, you see that’s a lot of instability. The problem with that is that when the glucose levels are going up and down very frequently, the insulin levels also will be doing that. You can’t see those. You can’t at least currently measure your insulin levels on a continuous. In a continuous basis. The glucose level is one thing, the insulin is another, because every time you get a glucose, a spike in glucose in the bloodstream, you will also get a spike in insulin to manage that glucose, to deal with the glucose, and it will bring it back down to normal. If you have good metabolic health, it will happen relatively quickly.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:28:45]:

But the problem is, if your glucose is very unstable, your insulin levels will also be very unstable. And if your insulin levels are unstable, it’s not just about pulling your glucose down. Insulin’s not. A lot of people are taught this. Even most doctors think this way. Insulin is not simply a blood sugar regulator. It is a master metabolic hormone. It’s actually a growth hormone, and it is controlling and influencing the levels and activity of many other hormones in the body, including reproductive hormones, including stress hormones, blood pressure regulating hormones, appetite regulation hormones.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:29:24]:

So when your glucose is on this rollercoaster, you will also be, many other hormones will also be coming along for the ride, and that can create a lot of internal instability, so that even if things are going well around you, your life looks great, you know, you’ve got enough money, you in a happy relationship, you know, everything’s going well, you have everything you need. You can still, if you’re still, you can be stable on the outside, but you could still be very unstable on the inside. And so if it feels that way to you, that’s one of the first places to look, is to look at your glucose and insulin levels and see if they may be playing a role in that sense of instability that you’re feeling on the inside.

Leanne Vogel [00:30:04]:

What role do you feel like walking after meals could play? Because I know for myself when I started to see that CGM, and I’m like, I should probably go for a walk around that 30 minutes mark, when I go for a walk, the glucose gets nice and stable, starts to drop down and all as well. Do you feel like that can play a role too, in bringing stability? When we are having meals that maybe spike and we’re like, oh, no, oops, I did it again. Did that work?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:30:32]:

Yes, actually, and I mentioned this in the book as well, that one of the ways you can help to keep your glucose levels in a more stable range is to exercise after you eat, go for a walk, or do whatever it is you like to do, move your muscles, use your muscles after you eat. And the reason for that is that exercising muscles soak up blood sugar like a sponge, so they absorb glucose right out of the bloodstream, no insulin required. So if you exercise right after you eat, you’re not going to need that big spike in insulin to take care of all that glucose. So you protect yourself in two ways. You keep the glucose when spiking is high, but you also need less insulin to deal with that glucose because those working muscles will absorb a lot of that extra glucose. So exercise is your friend when it comes to metabolic health. You will be able to, quote, get away with however you want to think about it. You will.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:31:26]:

Your carbohydrate tolerance will be higher if you exercise completely.

Leanne Vogel [00:31:30]:

And so we’ve talked a little bit about glucose measurements, and I find continuous glucose monitors. If you’re really serious about it, just being really helpful, even for two weeks, to understand what’s going on and how to apply it real time, because pricking your finger that many times, it’s just not practical. We’ve talked about insulin being kind of a one time marker. You go in for blood work and you get a sense, what are your thoughts on HBA, one C or even c peptide or glycomarc to understanding this big picture of glucose regulation and insulin resistance?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:32:03]:

Yes, I’m not familiar with glycomark. Can you tell me what that is?

Leanne Vogel [00:32:06]:

Yeah. So it gives you an idea of glucose variability. Usually, if the glycomark is low, it will give you a good sense of whether or not you’ve spent an increased amount of time over 180 milligrams per deciliter. And so, yeah, it’s just. It can be a good marker to use to just get a snapshot of, is this person’s, is glucose generally always over 180, or is it more less than that? Just to get a sense of what their glucose is ongoing if they don’t use a CGM, really?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:32:39]:

Sure. Well, I certainly hope that nobody listening has a glucose that’s spending time at 180 or higher. That’s really dangerous, and you can change it quickly, but it is very dangerous. When your glucose is running too high in your bloodstream, it’s also running too high in your brain, and that’s very dangerous. The brain does need some glucose at all times, but it can’t handle very much of it. And when glucose levels are higher than they should be in the brain, that excess glucose literally sticks to all kinds of vital brain components and can do serious damage over time, cause waves of inflammation, waves of oxidative stress, and create these sticky kind of dysfunctional, caramelized clusters called advanced glycation end products, or age. They’re called ages, which is nice because they are largely responsible for premature aging of the brain and other tissues. So, age, so you don’t want too much sugar in the brain, which means you don’t want too much sugar in the blood.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:33:39]:

You always need some, but you just don’t want a lot. So you’re asking about which markers are most useful. So, CGM’s are great if you can afford them. Not everybody can, but I agree with you, and I say this in the book as well. Even if you just get one sensor for ten to 14 days, that gives you tremendous insight, like a beautiful window into your metabolism. It gives you great information. The other thing is, you asked about the hemoglobin, a one c, the hemoglobin a one c is a reflection, as you know, of the, of your average blood sugar over the past three months or so. So the problem with the standard tests, which are the fasting blood glucose and the hemoglobin a one c, that’s what most people get when they go to their practitioner for their physical, is that the fasting glucose and the hemoglobin a one c can still be perfectly normal, even if you have severe metabolic dysfunction.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:34:28]:

You can have had insulin, severe insulin resistance and high insulin levels and unstable glucose levels for years. You may be already on the brink of type two diabetes, and those two numbers can still be normal because they’re the last dominoes to fall. So what you really want to know is how much insulin are you having to pump out to keep that glucose in a normal range? That’s what you really want to know. That’s the beauty of the fasting insulin level, which ideally, you want your fasting insulin level to be in the single digits, so you know, less than ten. But the fasting insulin varies. It’s going to vary depending on what you ate the day before. Right? So some days it may be higher, some days it may be lower. You might have gotten lucky, and maybe it’s below ten that particular morning.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:35:09]:

So it’s not a perfect measure. But there are other really simple, and these are all in the book, too, but I’m just going to say them, because if people don’t read the book, I want them to know anyway. You can test your own metabolic health really easily for very, very little money, if any money at all. You can, for example, you can measure your waist circumference around your belly button. And if it’s more than half your height, that’s a clue to insulin resistance. You can look at your last cholesterol panel. Most people have had at least one cholesterol panel. Look at your triglycerides.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:35:41]:

Are your triglycerides higher than 100 milligrams per deciliter? That’s a sign that you’re eating more carbohydrate than your body can process. You really want those triglycerides to be less than 100. So that’s another great thing to take a look at, your fasting insulin level. If your doctor won’t order it for you, it’s very cheap. You can order it yourself through an online lab. Cost maybe ten or $15. Even without insurance, it’s a useful number. So.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:36:07]:

And the continuous glucose monitors, they’re about to come out with one that’s available over the counter here in the United States, finally here in the US, it still requires a prescription for no good reason that I can think of. And so this summer, at some point, Dexcom is coming out with an over the counter. Who knows how much it’s going to cost, but they’re going to come out with an over the counter glucose meter for continuous glucose meter for people who are curious to learn more about their metabolic health. So there are lots of ways that have nothing to do with the mirror or the scale that you can get a sense for where you stand on the insulin resistance spectrum, because really, those types of numbers, those kinds of measurements, your fasting insulin level, your triglyceride level, your waist to height ratio, things like that, if those aren’t in a healthy range, it’s like a crystal ball that you’re looking into, and you’re going to see your health future, because insulin resistance is the number one root cause of most of the mental and physical health problems that we are all afraid that we are going to get or that we already have. And you can change those numbers really quickly. I mean, it means if you are overweight, it might take you months to lose the excess weight, but you can change your triglycerides, your fasting insulin, your fasting glucose, your waist circumference is going to take longer, but if you do the things that you need to do to get your glucose and insulin levels under good control, the waist circumference will take care of itself as a beautiful side effect of you improving your metabolic health very quickly. So you can change these numbers within days to weeks if you have the right information.

Leanne Vogel [00:37:38]:

Yes, I know when I tell my clients, okay, we’re going to do blood work again, and they’re like, it’s only been two months. I’m like, have you been following the diet? Because if you have been, we’re going to see your triglycerides lowered like that, guaranteed. If you’ve been doing what we set out to do, and that’s an encouragement, because then you see that numb and you’re like, wow, I may not feel it yet, but my cells are responding. I can see it on paper, and that is just a huge encouragement. The CGM is the same thing. When you can actually see those numbers, you’re like, okay, what I’m doing, though, I may not see it in the mirror, I may not feel it yet, I’m making a change. And I don’t know about those listening, but I know that really motivates me to make different choices.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:38:16]:

It’s so empowering and so exciting and motivating to see. Like we were both saying, it takes a while to see it on the scale, right? But your biology, your biochemistry changes, your metabolism changes, responds really quickly, and most people will feel better within a few weeks, even if they haven’t met all the goals that they were hoping to meet. But like you said, those numbers, the triglycerides, drop like a stone in almost everybody. There are a few exceptions in this study that we published in 2022 where we, you know, were observing what was happening for people with serious mental illnesses, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and major depression. A hospital in France. These folks had, you know, they were taking an average of five psychiatric medications. They had been ill for an average of ten years, some of them for as long as 30 years. And, you know, they were just not responding to conventional care.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:39:13]:

They came into the hospital, volunteered to do a ketogenic diet. Their triglycerides dropped like a stone. And, you know, some of these people, their triglycerides dropped by 100 points or more within. I mean, just amazing. And these are the. Also, almost everybody in the study lost a clinically meaningful amount of weight, more than 5% of their body weight, even though they were taking antipsychotic medications in almost every case that are notorious for causing very stubborn and very substantial weight gain. So your metabolic health can improve very quickly, even if you’ve got some things working against you that other people don’t need to worry about. So it’s really, these are powerful interventions.

Leanne Vogel [00:39:52]:

Can we talk a little bit about the nutrient need side of things? Because you mentioned it just like slightly about 20 minutes ago, and I made a little mental note. What did you mean by nutrient needs as it relates to mental health and taking care of our brain? Are you talking specific minerals, vitamins? What do we got going on there?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:40:11]:

Yes. So there are certain nutrient deficiencies which are fairly common, at least here in the United States. They include iron, zinc, omega three fatty acids like dha, iodine. There are certain nutrient deficiencies. B twelve. There are certain nutrient deficiencies that are fairly common here in the United States, but they shouldn’t be because the people that are in these studies where these nutrients are being measured have access to plenty of food. So, I mean, it’s one thing to look at, you know, a group of people who, you know, are malnourished and don’t have access to healthy food. Unfortunately, it’s one thing for them to have nutrient deficiencies, and that is also a tragedy, and that needs to be corrected as well.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:40:53]:

But why are people in places, for example, in the area where I live, where I work, why is iron deficiency still considered, why is it still considered acceptable for women of reproductive age, 20% of them, to have iron deficiency? That doesn’t make any sense. We’re told that, well, that’s just what we should expect, because of course, women have monthly cycles and we lose some iron every month. But that’s not logical. Why would a species be designed to run low on a critical nutrient? That doesn’t make any sense. The problem, the reason why so many of us are deficient in these nutrients is because we have the wrong information about where the nutrients are and how we get them. So a very common myth is that you can easily meet your requirements for iron if you’re basing your diet on things like grains and legumes and nuts and seeds. And if you look on, if you look on the ingredient label, on the nutrition label for foods that are made with those ingredients, you might see the word iron on the label, you might see the word zinc, you might see calcium and magnesium. But what you’re not seeing is that, yes, those plant foods that we’re told to base our diet on, they do contain those minerals, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can access them, because plants contain, naturally, contain quite smartly, quite cleverly, anti nutrients that help them guard those nutrients for their own purposes.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:42:20]:

So just because a plant food contains a nutrient, does not necessarily mean we can access it. And so it can be very difficult. Even if you’re eating plenty of nutritious animal foods that are rich in iron and in the proper kind of iron, which plants do not contain. Even if you’re eating a certain degree of animal foods and think you’re okay, you might still be running low on iron because you’re eating so many anti iron foods that we’re told are important for a healthy diet. And I like to tell my patients, you know, if you have iron deficiency, you don’t just have a blood problem, you have a brain problem, because the brain needs iron to generate energy, which the brain requires in high amounts to generate electricity. And you also need iron to make certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. And so if your brain is running low on iron, it may not function properly. And this is especially important in the first thousand days of life when the brain is still developing.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:43:11]:

Iron deficiency early in life can have a significant effect on attention, concentration and iq that can never be made up for you only get one chance to build a brain properly. So that’s just one example of a nutrient that lots of people are deficient in that has real mental health consequences. And that is the result of us having the wrong information about nutrition science.

Leanne Vogel [00:43:36]:

Yes, completely. And I see a lot with the iron pattern. That one of the root causes behind the iron issue has to do with a lack of vitamin B, C, zinc, copper, all of these nutrients required to absorb iron properly. And so not only is the individual lacking in iron, but usually, like in the case of birth control, if they did a ton of birth control, their copper is built up and that affects iron. So it’s like the whack a mole game when it comes to. It’s not as simple as just eat a steak and hope for the best. If you don’t have some of those key nutrients to absorb the iron, it’s not going to work.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:44:13]:

Well, that’s exactly right. I mean, and this is where having a big picture understanding of nutrition is so important, because it’s really easy to focus on one particular nutrient and know a lot about it and still completely miss the mark when it comes to understanding, you know what I mean? And so that’s why, you know, what you were just saying is so important. You have to think about nutrition in the context of the bigger picture. And you have to know which foods naturally give you all of those other elements that might be required to absorb the iron. And in many cases, those foods just happen to be. I know it’s not a popular thing to want to believe, but they just happen often to be animal foods. And that’s just unfortunately the truth of our biology. And so if you’re not going to include some of those foods, you really need to know what you’re doing when you’re supplementing, you have to supplement very, very carefully and design your diet in a particular way to minimize the anti nutrients in that diet.

Leanne Vogel [00:45:09]:

Which brings us so well into what I want to talk about next, which was food selection. You see kind of out there, the brain boosting foods, like twelve foods to change your life and change your brain function. What do you see that’s wrong with these lists? We’ll probably get back into the vegan stuff. And you mentioned vegetable oils before. I definitely want to get in there. Overwhelmingly, clients will come to me and say, yeah, I have this brain supplement, it has all these superfoods in it, or I prioritize xYz. What do you see as wrong with that approach when it comes to those brain foods?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:45:44]:

So two things when it comes to nutrient supplements and these sort of special sort of brain supplement products. They may be helpful in some cases, especially if you’re running low on certain nutrients. You may benefit from a supplement that contains certain nutrients. What I’m more interested in is why are you deficient in that nutrient in the first place? I really do like to take a food first approach whenever possible, and it’s not always possible, but I do prefer that, that way of working and that philosophy. The other piece is the superfood myth, the brain superfood myth. These myths, some of them are just kind of benign. They’re just not true. For example, there’s no evidence, for example, that eating more blueberries is going to do anything for your mental health.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:46:29]:

I’ve got evidence and explanations in the book about why the, you know, the myths about superfoods of all kinds, including blueberries and dark chocolate and red wine and broccoli sprouts, all these kinds of things. Why these are myths rather than truths. And you might think, well, okay, well, what’s the harm? What’s the harm in, you know, adding more of these so called superfoods to my diet? Even if they don’t work, they can’t hurt me, right? Well, no, not usually. I mean, unless you’re talking about red wine or lots of chocolate, because those are dangerous for your health. There’s no question about it. But you know what? I think these myths, the danger in these myths lies in the fact that they distract us from paying attention to the dietary changes and the focus that actually matters, making the dietary changes actually matter. So it’s wonderful, it’s beautiful and fun and easy to believe that all you have to do is sprinkle some superfoods on top of your diet and you’re going to be protecting your brain. But that’s actually not the way it works.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:47:27]:

There is no such thing as a brain superfood. If you want real change to your mental health, you have to make real change, fundamental changes to your whole diet. You have to restructure your diet from the ground up in ways that make biological sense. And when you do that, rather than just kind of sprinkling a few superfoods on top or maybe just nibbling around the edges of the diet by maybe taking out some of the sugar, maybe avoiding certain types of foods, if you just nibble around the edges or sprinkle something on top, you’re not going to get real change. And this is why so many people think that nutrition interventions for mental health don’t work, because they’ve tried a lot of these things and they don’t notice any improvement. So they just go back to eating the way they were before and say, well, it clearly doesn’t matter, I’m just going to eat everything in moderation, when actually there are really powerful interventions. If you know how to. If you know what the principles of a brain healthy diet are, you can restructure your diet in ways that can help you feel better.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:48:25]:

In many cases, within. Again, I’m going to use this phrase because it’s true. Days to weeks of changing your diet. And people with mental health issues, especially who have run out of other options or don’t like the idea of taking medication or getting a lot of side effects from medication or can’t afford medication, aren’t responding well enough to medication. I really want them to know that these powerful tools are available, but the recommendations to get your brain on a healthier footing fly in the face of a lot of the recommendations that are in the mainstream nutrition guidelines and headlines that you’ll see, and that’s the problem, is that the beliefs we have and the recommendations we have are working against us.

Leanne Vogel [00:49:05]:

What I’m hearing you say is that we need to make fundamental changes and in many cases it’s a complete overhaul. Would that be a fair, like, if you’re serious about this, you need to get in there with a bulldozer, knock it down and build, like, we’re talking infill situation here. Would it be fair to say, like, if you’re that committed, like, that’s what I heard from you. Maybe it’s just because I’m a very intense person and when I get something in my mind, I’m like, yeah, we will do it. We will bulldoze this down? Is that kind of what you’re saying, of, like, it’s not enough to just sprinkle some chia seeds on your blueberry, whatever bowl and call it a day?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:49:44]:

I couldn’t have said it better. And I wish I had come up with that phrasing myself a long time ago, because it is perfect. It really is. And I would soften it only in one way. I would say, well, you know, for most people, it is going to require a complete overhaul. It’s going to take out the bulldozer, start from scratch. And that’s what I do in the book, is I help people do that, but I would soften it only in this way so that people don’t run screaming for the exits or, you know, hit the little x on the top of their computer and stop the video or the audio is, I think it’s really, you owe it to yourself to do this for at least six to twelve weeks. If you then don’t notice any improvements, maybe it’s not about your diet.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:50:30]:

Maybe you don’t need to, you know, maybe there’s something else that’s going on that’s driving the mental health issue that you’re struggling with. But most people, when they start, when they level everything to the ground and start fresh, will notice significant improvements. And then what I’ve done in the book, so that people, to help people feel more flexible and allow people to personalize the approach is if you do feel better with that approach, with that very clean, restructured approach that’s kind of stripped your diet down to just the most important things, then you can experiment with expanding it and see if you can find the broadest, most varied, most enjoyable diet that you can tolerate that still maintains those mental health benefits. Because everyone’s going to draw that line in a different place. And so I want people to know that that’s the most efficient way to do it. Get out the bulldozer, start from scratch, but then you can gradually start to add things back in and see where your safe outer limit is.

Leanne Vogel [00:51:26]:

Yes, I bet you want a tight and toned body. Those descriptions are all the rage right now. Let me tell you something. If you’re under eating protein, you are not going to get there. You see, because tight and toned comes from muscle, not cardio. And more muscle also equals stronger metabolism, better sleep, more graceful aging process, and you need adequate protein to make all of this work. And I bet, like most people, you’re not getting enough of it on a daily basis. Taking an amino supplement is one of the best, easiest, most cost effective ways to get all the good stuff your body gets from protein.

Leanne Vogel [00:52:07]:

I started supplementing with key on aminos and I’ve experienced increased muscle growth, better recovery, and improved sleep. Keon aminos contains all nine essential amino acids, or eaas for short. In the most ideal rate ratios proven by science and are actually more effective than protein itself. Keon aminos are added to water, which makes it a great way to reap all the benefits of protein without filling your belly up. I simply take a scoop with each meal, and as I said, I’ve noticed far better recovery from my workouts and better muscle definition. To save 20% off key on aminos, you can go to getkeon.com keto. That’s getkion.com slash keto, and your purchase comes with a risk free 60 day money back guarantee. So if you hate it, which I don’t think you will.

Leanne Vogel [00:53:00]:

You can get your money back, no questions asked. Get Keyon.com keto to save 20% off key on aminos. Okay, I want to spend the last couple of moments, just if you’re cool with this, describing what I think most listeners, how they’re eating, what their lifestyle is like, because I talked to so many of them and maybe give us advice as to what could be some of their first steps. Because we’ve talked about glucose regulation, we’ve talked about the dietary guidelines being not so great when it comes to the conventional side of things. But I’d really like to, in these last few minutes, give women some sense of direction. Of course, grabbing your book being the next obvious choice, but just, like, to bridge that gap right now, maybe they were eating blueberries at one cup per day, thinking that that would be enough for their brain, and now they’re totally freaking out. So would you be cool with me just kind of describing the listener and helping us through maybe some actions that they could take to help their brain?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:53:59]:

I would love to do that.

Leanne Vogel [00:54:00]:

Okay, so stay at home mom or working mom, generally speaking, she eats whatever she makes her kids, you know, picking here and there, fasting when she just doesn’t have time to eat. Generally, her carbohydrates are under 100 grams, but there are weekends where she eats just like whatever and goes and has the pizza and the popcorn and tries to dial it in, but not always great at it and deals with a lot of brain fog and fatigue. That pretty much sums up most of the ladies that I speak with, of course, and such ongoing issues, especially when it comes to the brain fog fatigue piece and just picking and choosing the foods, like not being intentional with the meals that they’re creating or balancing out things. Any advice for this individual when it comes to brain function overall?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:54:51]:

Yes. Wow, this is fantastic because I’m picturing this person, and I know lots of people like this and have lots of people like, this is my own practice. So I think, I mean, these are people who are working really hard to take the best care of themselves that they can and of their children. Right. And they’re the ones who are making most of the decisions in the house about what everybody’s eating, including themselves. And there’s not always a lot of time. There’s not always enough time. There’s not always enough money.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:55:15]:

There’s not always enough, like, being able to take time to stop and be present and plan. People are busy. So I think the most important thing for somebody like that to understand is which are the things that are most important. You know, when you’re, if you’re going to splurge, where are the, what are the safer ways to splurge if you don’t have time? And when you’re making your. I do think it’s worth it, taking at least a day, some time, or a few hours at least, to understand what the foundation of the whole family’s diet needs to be, what foods should be in the meal plans every day to make sure that people’s nutrient requirements are being met and which foods are the most important ones to avoid. So to get some sort of new standards in terms of, okay, we’re going to eat this way from now on. We’re not going to be perfect about it. You know, we’re going to have days off.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:56:05]:

We’re going to have, you know, exceptions when we don’t have time or I’ve run out of something, but this household is going to start eating a brain healthy diet. And what that’s going to look like is it’s going to really look more like a paleo diet than any other kind. It’s going to look a lot more like paleo than mediterranean, because the mediterranean diet has grains and beans and lots of breads and pastas and cereals. No one is going to feel their best on that diet. And so we need a diet that has a core, at least of a certain amount of whatever animal foods you feel comfortable including in your diet, if you’re willing to do that. The core of the diet is going to be so, like, let’s say for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there’s going to be some sort of animal protein in the meal. So it’s going to be eggs or it’s going to be chicken, or it’s going to be fish, or it’s going to be beef or pork some, or whatever it is you like to have. Part of that plate is going to be some sort of animal food.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:56:55]:

The rest of the meal is going to be fruits and vegetables and healthy fats. And it’s really that simple. And then some people are going to need to eat a lower carbohydrate version of that diet. But the step one in my book is not a ketogenic diet. Even though a ketogenic diet is the cornerstone of my practice as a metabolic psychiatrist who’s trying to help people with serious mental health problems, the first step in my book is a 90 grams of carbohydrate per day paleo diet. So it’s meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, fruits, vegetables, you can have carbohydrates at every meal as long as they’re from healthy whole foods. But there are no grains, there are no beans, there’s no dairy. We don’t want to talk about that right now.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:57:32]:

And there are no ultra processed foods and added sugars or alcohol or anything like that. So if that’s your, if that’s how you eat most of the time, you’re going to be healthier than most people around you. Your kids will be healthier, you’ll be healthier, you’ll feel better. And then when you do splurge on something, try to keep it to a treat or an occasion, a rare occasion. But trying to develop these new healthy habits where you redefine what food is and what foods belong on the plate more often than not.

Leanne Vogel [00:57:59]:

Yeah, I mean, you described my diet pretty much. And I love how also a couple of moments ago, you chatted about kind of taking that bulldozer, kind of getting in there, making sure that it’s set up right, and over time, kind of seeing what those limits are. And I know for myself, having overcome addiction using the ketogenic diet, I’m now eating a pretty substantial amount of carbohydrates because of my movement that I wasn’t doing before and my walking and my lifting and all of those pieces contribute to my diet needing to be changed. And so I love that you touched on that. That just because we’re making changes now doesn’t mean that things aren’t going to widen. And I think so many of us get stuck on, well, if it needs to be this way and how strict it is right now, it’s always going to be like this, and I just can’t commit to that. And what I’m hearing you say is that’s not the case. But we need to see how you’re going to respond to this so that we can see if we’re on the right track and then we can grow it over time.

Leanne Vogel [00:58:57]:

As, as you respond correctly, is that a fair assessment?

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:59:00]:

Yes. And so what I like to say to my patients is, you know, you know, if they say, does this mean, can I. That I can never have ice cream again? Does it mean I can have cookies again? And I say, never say never. I just say, let’s start with an experiment. Let’s just try this out as an experiment to see what’s possible for you. Try this new way of eating for six to twelve weeks, see what’s possible for you. And then we can have a discussion about what you want to do next? Because if you haven’t experienced this other way of eating, if you haven’t fed your brain properly, and which most of us have never done because we’ve had the wrong info, we’ve been fed the wrong information about nutrition for decades. So we’ve been feeding our brains improperly our entire lives.

Dr. Georgia Ede [00:59:44]:

Most of us have no idea how much better we could feel or function if we fed the brain properly. And you owe it to yourself to discover what that feels like. And then you can have a conversation with yourself about, well, how important is that ice cream to me? How often do I want to do that? And let me try it and see what happens and you can do your own experiments and come to your own conclusions. And this is, I’m nutritionally pro choice. I want people to have control over their food and their food choices and have a diet that they can live with and enjoy. But I want them to have the right information so that the choices they make are with, are informed choices.

Leanne Vogel [01:00:22]:

Doctor Georgia, I feel like we could be best friends. You say everything. I’m like, yes, yes, you’re great. Yes, yes. Totally, yes, yes. 100%. Couldn’t agree with you more. Where can people get your book? What’s it called? Tell us how we connect with you, all of the ways that we can make sure that we follow your work.

Dr. Georgia Ede [01:00:43]:

Yeah, no, I’ve really loved this conversation. I feel totally simpatico. And, you know, I can see why your work has been so popular. And so, you know, the book is called change your diet, change your mind, and you can get wherever you’d like to get books. But the, but if you want to learn more about the book or me or these principles, I have a website and it’s called diagnosisdiet.com. there’s information about the book there and all kinds of other things, but then there’s also, I’m on social media quite a bit, Twitter, x, whatever you want to call it, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. I’m still getting up to speed on Instagram, so bear with me. But I do my best to answer people’s questions on social media.

Dr. Georgia Ede [01:01:26]:

And so if you have a question, give me a try. Give me a try.

Leanne Vogel [01:01:30]:

I love it. I will be sure to include those links in the show notes. Doctor Georgia, thanks for coming on the show today.

Dr. Georgia Ede [01:01:36]:

Thank you very much. It was really a lot of fun and a great pleasure.

Leanne Vogel [01:01:39]:

I hope you really enjoyed that conversation. Again, you can connect with Doctor Georgia over@diagnosisdiet.com and if you’re unsure of any of the links or resources, you can head on over to healthful Pursuit.com podcast, and all of the resources will be on that page. Okay, we’ll see you back here next week for another episode of the Healthful Pursuit podcast. Bye. Thanks for listening to the Healthful Pursuit podcast. Join us next Tuesday for another episode of the show. If you’re looking for free resources, there are a couple of places you can go. The first to my blog, healthfulpersuit.com, where you’re going to find loads of recipes.

Leanne Vogel [01:02:21]:

The second is a free parasite protocol that I’ve put together for you that outlines symptoms, testing, and resources to determine whether or not you have a parasite, plus a full protocol to follow to eradicate them from your life if you need to, that’s available@healthfulpursuit.com. parasites and last but certainly not least, a full list of blood work markers to ask your doctor for so that you can get a full picture of your health. You can grab that free resource by going to healthfulpursuit.com labs. The Helpful Pursuit podcast, including show notes and links, provides information in respect to healthy living recipes, nutrition, and diet, and is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor is it to be construed as such. We cannot guarantee that the information provided on the healthful pursuit podcast reflects the most up to date medical research. Information is provided without any representation or warranties of any kind. Please consult a qualified health practitioner with any questions you may have regarding your health and nutrition program.

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Happy Keto Body Promotion - 12 Week Video Program

Hi! I'm Leanne (RHN FBCS)

a Functional Medicine Practitioner, host of the Healthful Pursuit Podcast, and best-selling author of The Keto Diet & Keto for Women. I want to live in a world where every woman has access to knowledge to better her health.

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Weekly Meal Plans