The Keto Beginning

The Keto Beginning Preview

Get the results you crave


I eat 200 grams of dietary fat per day. And, in 2 months, I lost 20 pounds and reduced my body fat percentage from 32% to 20%.

I’m in the best (hottest) shape of my life. The kind-of-hot that makes you want to pinch yourself to validate if what you’re experiencing is actually real life.

I have achieved flawless health and hotness through a jacked-up version of paleo – high in whole foods, free of allergens and budding with ridiculously easy meal prep. No pack-along snacks, calorie counting or make-ahead craziness required. This is easy nutrition for real life.

My body has found its happy place. Perfect weight, no cellulite included. Normalized hormone levels, perfect blood pressure, balanced cholesterol and blood sugar, glowing skin, outrageous energy, and zero cravings.

If what you’re doing isn’t working...

Date to do something different.

The Keto Beginning on an iPad

Become a fat-burning machine

The Keto Beginning is brimming with the strategies and vibrant high-fat, low-carbohydrate, moderate protein recipes that I used to effortlessly switch into a state of nutritional ketosis – where my body burns fat as energy instead of glucose.

The complete beginner's guide + 30-day meal plan

The resources, meal plans and recipes in The Keto Beginning offer a unique guidance system to attaining total body confidence, regulated metabolism, and liberated health without the need to radically reduce (or even counting) calories.

With The Keto Beginning, you’ll be shown how to use whole food-based nutritional ketosis to…

  • Reach your perfect weight without feeling restricted or deprived.
  • Gain the power to end food obsession + strict eating schedules.
  • Maintain steady energy, without relying on constant feeding.
  • Boost self-worth, self-respect, self-trust and self-love.

17 chapters, 147 pages + over 70 low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein, dairy-, gluten-, sugar-, grain-, legume-free recipes – this is the lifestyle change that empowers your body + mind to achieve the state of health you’ve been searching for.

You are ready to make things happen.

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147 Pages Of Digital Awesome


All forms of carbohydrate – fruits, vegetables, grains + starches, are broken down into glucose by your body, increasing your blood sugar. Your body considers raised blood sugar as being toxic, so it releases insulin (a storage hormone) to push the glucose into your cells. Once this occurs, your blood sugar decreases, making you hungry again.

This vicious cycle of blood sugar highs and lows is why you experience endless hunger + cravings.

The release of insulin halts your body’s ability to release fat and toxins. If you’re eating carbohydrate-based foods every 2-3 hours, your body is never fully able to exercise its ability to rid itself of excess. And, if more carbohydrates are consumed than what your body needs, it will be converted into triglycerides and stored in your blood, leading to weight gain and unbalanced cholesterol.

But, when we lower our intake of carbohydrates, increase our consumption of glorious fats and moderate our protein intake, our blood sugar and insulin levels are reduced, levels of HDL cholesterol increase, and the visceral fats around your vital organs are “eaten up”. This is nutritional ketosis.

In nutritional ketosis, your body becomes a fat-burning machine, effectively breaking down fatty acids into ketone bodies that are used, even by the brain, as fuel. Studies show that nutritional ketosis has the potential of alleviating food cravings, blood sugar irregularities, mind fog, excess body weight, abnormal cell growth, psychological imbalances, infertility and more.

In nutritional ketosis, we’re tripping the metabolic switch, leading to so much more than just weight loss.

Achive the state of the health you've been searching for.

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The Keto Beginning May Be Right For You If You...

Can’t get a handle on your food allergies, you react to everything // Experience bloating // Have energy regulation problems // Are struggling with hormone weight gain // Have tried paleo but still don’t feel “right” // Have a sneaking suspicion that fats work well in your body // Battle with endless food cravings // Are trying to rid yourself of candida but just can’t seem to win // Eat all the time but you’re never really full // Have a hard time gaining or losing weight // Fall asleep after eating // Find that you’re sensitive to carbohydrates + sugar // Are living; or want to live, sugar-free // Can’t stop thinking about food // Are interested in freeing yourself from packing food with you everywhere // Eat every 2-3 hours // Have tried everything and it all sucked // Like to experiment with new things // Like greens // Enjoy feeling energized // Are affected by blood sugar irregularities // Struggle with inconsistent blood pressure… the list goes on. *If you are pregnant, have diabetes type 1, or an existing kidney disease and are interested in nutritional ketosis, it’s best to do so under the direct care of a health care facility.

Create A Healthy + Hot Body... For Life.

That’s me and the 30-day progress I saw using all the tips, tools and recipes I’ve shared in The Keto Beginning. Going a step beyond the traditional low-carbohydrate approach, The Keto Beginning offers an allergen-free solution to paleo-friendly, low-carbohydrate living with a focus on using nutritional ketosis as the underlying rocket fuel to propel you to a new dimension of health.

By relying on local, fresh, organic foods that are rich in nutrients and support an alkaline environment, we reduce the load on our digestion and set the stage for powerful healing and transformation, for life.

The Keto Beginning satisfies all of the markers necessary for lifelong health – the natural reduction in calories, increased saturated fats, blood sugar control, boosted cell health, ample mitochondria action, and more.

Because the best kind of change is the long-lasting kind.

Inside The Keto Beginning

Keto Beginning Refresh - Basics

Beginner's Guide

A guidance system to attaining total body confidence, regulated metabolism, and liberated health developed by a leader in the whole foods movement.

  • 17 chapters with everything you need to know to get into, and maintain, a state of nutritional ketosis using a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate protein, whole food-based approach. No dairy, grains or legumes.
  • Proven calculations to determine your macronutrient intake amounts.
  • In-depth journal of the lessons I learned during the first 30 days of my nutritional ketosis journey.
  • 9 gems of advice to set you up for success.
  • 12 power supplements for success.
  • 16 actions that increase + decrease ketone production and what you can do about it.
  • 6 things to avoid when you go grocery shopping.

... and so much more

Keto Beginning Refresh - 30-Day Meal Plan

30-Day Meal Plan

A day-by-day meal plan featuring sound nutrition practices and vibrant food preparation for fast acting results.

  • Over 50 “quickie” daily recipes ready in 15 minutes or less.
  • 2-3 daily meals, snacks and drinks for every day.
  • Weekly printer-friendly meal plans with food “themes” so no ingredients are wasted.
  • Comprehensive layout for ease of use.
  • Uses a mixture of plant-based and animal-based fats
  • Various proteins, not just bacon and eggs!
  • Completely gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and legume-free.
Keto Beginning Refresh - Shopping List

Weekly Shopping Lists

The whole food ingredients you need to follow the weekly meal plans, all in one place.

  • Ingredients sorted week-by-week for effortless meal preparation.
  • Produce, pantry, fresh items and proteins separated to help you shop with ease.
  • Links to my favorite sources of keto-friendly products.
  • Fresh gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and legume-free items, highly accessible in most parts of the world.
Keto Beginning Refresh - Recipes


A collection of low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate protein recipes that encourage the body to effortlessly switch into a natural state of nutritional ketosis.

  • Over 20 paleo-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and legume-free recipes with vibrant photos and simple instruction.
  • Simple spice mixtures to spice up your everything!

The Keto Beginning proves that maintaining a keto-adapted, fat-burning body on a daily basis is effortless, delectable and highly rewarding (and it could just save your life).

Achieve Flawless Health And Effortless Weight Loss.

Qualified Nutrition Support

This whole food-based, low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein approach to nutritional ketosis is the first of it’s kind, offering a unique approach to everyday meals using common, accessible ingredients that support the safe transition into; and maintenance of, nutritional ketosis – completely dairy and grain-free.

As a Holistic Nutritionist who prides herself in feeling liberated on a “restricted” diet, I am confident that the resources, recipes and plans that I’ve created here will empower you to switch to a style of eating that has the potential to radically change your health and happiness, as it has mine.


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it's Practical

Ketones are a highly renewable energy source that our major organs use effortlessly to promote lasting health in a blood sugar-balanced environment. It's a fuel that won't run out. With effortless food preparation, The Keto Beginning is a powerful tool for inspiring lifelong change.

it's Liberating

When you focus on eating food that makes you feel good, you gain an energy in your life that is liberating, efficient, and hot. The kind-of-hot that keeps you motivated, the kind-of-hot that propels you forward, the kind-of-hot that leads to results.

it's Powerful

If you want to take charge of your health in a new way, start by being open to the idea that what you think you know about health and nutrition is upside down, backwards and inside out. Nutritional ketosis is a powerful, convenient, motivating approach to radically improving health.

it's A New Approach

The journey toward your hottest self begins by accepting that what you’re doing (and eating) may not be working for you anymore. We constantly limit ourselves by prescribing to an eating style that no longer serves us. If it doesn’t feel right you may be missing something. Experimenting with new things sets you on a new path, where you’re primed to make (awesome) things happen.

It's The Path To Discovering Your Body's Happy Place.

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My Body Burns The Ketones

It all started when I went on hormone replacement therapy to “cure” my hormonal imbalance – I hadn’t had a period in over 5 years. 8 months later, my hormones hadn’t budged but the scale had. I reached a whopping 32% body fat and carried around an extra 20 pounds that; I swear, was made up entirely of cellulite.

I followed a paleo eating style, worked out daily and took good care of myself but the weight just kept pouring on with each passing day. The more my hormones fluctuated, the more food allergies popped up, the more bloated I got and unhappy I became. When my hips wouldn’t fit into a pair of last summers’ shorts, I knew I had to do something.

So, like everyone who wants to lose weight, I reduced my calorie intake and increased the intensity of my workouts. I was starving, craving and moody. Every 2-3 days I binged and was back to square one with loads of guilt.

Frustrated, I delved into reading medical papers to find the answer to loosing hormone-induced weight gain. The answer; it seemed, was nutritional ketosis. Only, it was overwhelming to see how many ketogenic resources used dairy as a primary fat source and relied on processed foods as a means to reduce carb intake.

Armed with a budding recipe-creative mind, I decided to give ketosis a whirl. Only, I was determined to do it without grains or dairy and focused on 100% whole foods. And, wouldn’t you know… 2 months later, I was down 20 pounds feeling stronger, healthier and hotter than ever!

Discover The Life-Changing Power Behind Whole Food-Based Ketosis Today.

Get The Keto Beginning now for just $35

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I recently decided to try a keto diet since I suffer from endometriosis and have tried a low fat diet, vegan diet, etc. and nothing has really worked. In doing some research I came across your website and it has been so helpful. I purchased the Keto Bundle and then your book The Keto Diet, which I absolutely love. Every recipe that I try is so good, even my 4 year old son loves them. My favorite so far is the chili stuffed avocados, such an amazing flavor. Your podcasts and videos are so helpful. Thanks for providing such great information!!

— Staci


I’m a long-time fan of your work. I started keto about a year and a half ago, thanks to your awesome Fat-Fueled plan. I got both the Keto Beginning and Fat-Fueled since I had no idea how to even shift to a high-fat diet. I have a variety of health issues (Lyme’s disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and all the accompanying fun things that those entail, the list is long so I won’t bore you) and shifting to high fat brought a lot of relief to the GI issues I was experiencing as well as helping me mentally. I too wrestled with anorexia for many years and so really, really appreciate how you approach the mental aspect of the relationship with food, body image, and health.

— Kelsey


I’m loving your book! I love your approach and the fact that you do not stick to a “diet” 100%, but rather pick out what feels good for you and what works. I also like that when reading your book, I feel like I’m talking to a very good friend. I‘m just getting started with keto, but I have to say that I already love it. I feel much better than just going low-carb (which I have done for almost 6 months now). I do not have so many cravings anymore, intermittent fasting is so easy now, and my digestion has never been better.

— Sonja


I have been tracking macros, but for the last couple of years my hormones felt so off, and my energy was at its lowest. I already feel amazing by following The Keto Beginning, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Thank you for helping me feel good again.

— Chloe


I am a 45 year old mother of five. I have been raw, vegetarian, fruitarian and vegan. I found The Keto Beginning and it changed everything, I feel like a different person eating this way. Now, I eat my three meals and I’m so satiated that I do not need or want anything else. It’s nice waking up in the morning and feeling good about myself. I feel like a have so much more clarity and energy.

— Kristen


I have been ketogenic for nine years, but my biggest stumbling block has been finding/creating a program that didn’t rely so heavily on dairy. I love raw, grass-fed dairy, but it doesn’t love me back. I bought The Keto Beginning about a month ago, Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating a resource that gives me exactly what I need to take my high-fat life to the next level. This is what I have wanted, needed and longed for!

— Breanna

Maya Nahra, RD

It’s likely no mistake that you’ve stumbled upon Healthful Pursuit and The Keto Beginning. It’s how I ended up here and let me tell you, 30 days in, it’s been a roller coaster of a journey. My goal is weight loss, accumulated from stubborn hormones and IBS-Constipation, which I’ve experienced for 5+ years. No weight loss yet but my body is adjusting and loving this style of eating. My IBS is quickly becoming a thing of the past (worth a lifetime of keto!). My energy is skyrocketing and I have a pretty big hunch that only good things are just around the corner. If you’ve landed here and are reading this, buy the book, learn more about your body, test new strategies, do something different. Leanne is awesome.

— Maya Nahra, RD


I picked up Leanne’s book “The Keto Beginning” after learning about keto but wanting to develop a whole food approach to this way of eating. One of my favorite parts to the book is her day-by-day experience going into ketosis, helping us learn from all of her ups and downs, successes and mistakes. The recipes in The Keto Beginning are easy to make and delicious! The Keto Beginning is the introduction to a lifestyle change that leads to amazing lifelong results! Now, I consider Leanne a mentor and am so happy I found her work.

— Ana


The Keto Beginning has lead me to experience amazing energy, balanced moods and improved body composition. The book is well written, fun to read and well planned with nearly all answers to my questions found by keeping the book close by me as a strong resource.

— Leah


I am so glad I read your book before I started this eating style. The strategies to avoid and lessen the impact of keto flu were lifesavers.

— Heather


I am 6 days into a lifestyle Keto change and cannot believe how good I feel, better than I’ve ever felt. I went vegan, I went gluten-free, I’ve tried everything but no matter what I did, I still felt low energy. With The Keto Beginning, my brain is clear and I feel better than I’ve felt in a LONG time–maybe ever. It’s like a miracle and my digestion is greatly improved, my cravings are more under control and I feel a sense of freedom about food I’ve never felt before. Leanne’s experience in making a whole food-based keto eating style work for her was the solution I needed. I don’t know if I ever really expected to feel this good; I think I had almost given up finding something that would work. Now? I have!

— Danae


The Keto Beginning explains; quite thoroughly, how to use nutritional ketosis to benefit our health. So much so, that creating a high-fat eating style for yourself makes sense logically. The Keto Beginning has made me feel hope again. Even though I have been following the Bulletproof diet for a while, I connect to Leanne’s story, her explanation of nutritional ketosis and her sincerity. This program has made me commit to my health and well being in a way I have never done so before.

— Brigitte


Leanne is a total badass when it comes to deciphering the ketosis eating approach. The Keto Beginning is written in an easy-to-understand format and takes the guess work out of the science behind ketosis on the physiological level, by explaining it in terms that make sense. Also, she shares her own personal experiences and journey entering this lifestyle, which is really interesting to learn about! It takes a brave person to pursue a dietary lifestyle change that goes completely against what we’ve been conditioned to believe is ‘healthy’. I am very happy that Leanne is the one guiding me into this exciting shift, both in my mindset and creating new habits. She is a keto rockstar and her support is amazing.

— Haley


I started following The Keto Beginning 6 weeks ago and have been rocking this new journey. I used to be vegan, raw food and high carb – all of the “healthy” carbs, but still very high. This way of eating helped in the beginning but now I see the correlation between the carbs I was eating and my deteriorating health. Following The Keto Beginning has helped me re-boot my mindset, patterns and behavior surrounding food. It’s been a transformative experience, so great.

— Kibby


I have auto-immune thyroid disease and a chronic mycoplasma infection. Carbs = bad news for this gal. The Keto Beginning came at just the right time. Each day I follow the program, I feel better and better. I love all of the yummy recipes, the list of things to watch out for is super helpful. This approach to healthy living has helped so many, myself included. I feel liberated.

— Adrienne


On a whim a week ago I started reducing my intake of carbohydrates hoping I would see some body composition changes and strength gains in my weight lifting. Today marks day 8 for me. On Sunday, which would have been only day 5, my period started. I haven’t had a period for 9 months. I was so shocked and elated that I burst into tears. I hardly find it a coincidence that after 9 months of no period; as soon as I started reducing my carbs, my period returned. So happy to feel like a woman again and hoping I see the body composition changes that Leanne outlines in The Keto Beginning.

— Elizabeth


I’m on day 5 now and I just have to say that the Creamy Roasted Veg and Avocado Fries Salad was amazing! I mean AMAZING! Plus I am amazed that I haven’t been hungry. I usually eat all day but this new way of eating has me feeling satisfied with only a couple meals a day. Fantastic!

— Luvena


There is so much great information in The Keto Beginning. Finally, a low-carb eating plan and strategy that’s dairy-free. All of the recipes in The Keto Beginning include whole-food ingredients and are easy to follow. Keep up the good work, Leanne! Love, love your recipes, this guide and your blog!

— Lisa


I have never felt so… awesome! My gut feels the best it’s felt since before I became lactose intolerant. Even with cutting out all dairy, my digestive system has always had issues. Thanks to Leanne’s work on The Keto Beginning, I no longer have any of these issues. I have dropped 5 pounds since starting and; though I am still working through figuring out the signals my body gives me, I feel more confident in my ability to make balanced choices for myself. This program has helped me get to a place that when I’m working out or running, I feel like I can actually feel what my body is telling me now, whereas before I was just guessing. This feeling of being in-tune with myself is something I have been trying to find since I started running 5 years ago, and I’ve finally found it!!

— Holly


The Keto Beginning has given me an opportunity to step back, observe and become completely in tune with my body. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I have reconnected with the innate ability to eat when hungry and to respect hunger/fullness cues. The high fat keeps me balanced, steady and calm in a way I’ve never experienced. I feel more energized and more present in my body. I am inspired by the meals, still focusing on a plant based diet, but remaining open and listening to what my body needs. I am fueling myself in a way that speaks to me as an individual.

— Lacey


Thank you so much for creating The Keto Beginning, Leanne. You are so inspiring. I can feel your bright light radiating through each word. I had forgotten what it tastes like to cook food in fat. I always ate for volume which meant low fat and yet, I never felt full. I am enjoying the paradigm shift even if it has meant some cognitive dissonance. The last time I ate with this much freedom was over 30 years ago! I love the concept in The Keto Beginning. Your enthusiasm is contagious and I really appreciate your efforts, and you sharing your journey and wisdom.

— Dana

Myra | The Happy Health Freak

I couldn’t understand why I felt so full and bloated all the time. I was gaining weight even though working out and eating clean was at the center of my life. Fruits, vegetables, gluten-free grains, I thought I was doing everything right. I hesitated trying nutritional ketosis but now, I can say that I’m so glad I took the plunge! I have been following The Keto Beginning and Leanne’s whole food-based nutritional ketosis strategies for a few weeks now and loving it! Not only have I lost weight, but I feel less bloated, I am eating less meals without experiencing hunger pains or feeling like I’m starving myself. This coming from a girl who ate 6 times a day! Thank you Leanne for opening my eyes to this new lifestyle. I look forward to continuing to follow your program, your recipes and seeing where this takes me!

— Myra | The Happy Health Freak


This works! I have been following the program for 3 days and am already 3.7 pounds down. I can’t believe it and am very happy. I’m following the maco principles Leanne outlines in The Keto Beginning and have made several of the recipes with success. They’re easy! Also, I haven’t been going crazy with working out. I’ve been doing very mild walking this week and will ramp that up slowly, as I feel fit. No stress.

— Sara


It’s official. No more muffin top. The Keto Beginning, woo hoo! I can’t thank you enough Leanne.

— Cathy


After following Leanne’s blog for several years I was extremely excited to see she was putting out an digital book on nutritional ketosis. In The Keto Beginning, Leanne has made the (very scientific) business of nutrition easy to understand. Her approach is accessible… for everyone. She makes you feel as though you are having a conversation with a dear friend with first-hand experiences that are authentic – she understands, she can relate, she gets it. I have already benefited from the advice in The Keto Beginning and am looking forward to continuing to reap the mind and body rewards that whole food-based ketosis brings!

— Kristen

Claire LeGresley, RHN

As like many, my relationship with fat has been a rocky one. Early in my journey, I fell victim to the claims that it is the culprit leads to increased weight. As a result I gave into the “fat free & low fat” products – only to be left large, tired and cranky. Now, having embraced fat and all of its fabulous ways – I am ready to take it to the next level. Regardless of where you fall on the fat loving spectrum, Leanne’s new book, The Keto Beginning, is accessible for all those looking to boost their health with healthy fat (and lots of it!). Even if you’re still fearful of fat, just start by reading. Then, try one recipe and notice the difference. Do yourself a favor and just start, because something tells me you’ll never look back.

— Claire LeGresley, RHN


A week in and feeling jubilant. I haven’t felt this good in years. Went to the gym and feeling high and pumped up. I got a good workout in and took my time. Previous to The Keto Beginning, I found that I was always rushing through my workouts to get it over and done with but now I see it as my chill zone. With two businesses and four boys (one is my husband) I am a busy woman. So far I’m loving this new change in my life. My thoughts are positive, my mind is clear and my mood is balanced.

— Kristen


It’s obvious that Leanne did a lot of research on nutritional ketosis in preparation for this book. The Keto Beginning offers exact; easy to understand, details on how and why our bodies process food the way they do. You will fully understand how your body works with food. Great recipes, yummy even when converted for a non-meat eater like me! Eating this way, with glorious fats, has kept my hunger at bay. I’m loving every moment of it!

— Geri


This morning was day one and I’m buzzing on energy — I actually feel like I have so much energy I cannot focus on my work and I need to go running. I’m liking this. As someone who grew up with a mother obsessed low-fat/no-fat products it was a bit daunting and frightening to be consuming SO MUCH FAT but during the first day my body felt like a fast-functioning machine. By reading The Keto Beginning (and using/adapting the recipes that fit my vegetarian life), adopting the principles of whole food-based nutritional ketosis into my daily life has been easy and has challenged me to rethink old concepts about food and nutrition while helping me rediscover a more wholesome approach to food. With this has come tremendous changes, not only in the way my body looks and feels, but also how my mind operates and has increased the stability of my moods; I feel the best I have every felt.

— Krista

Victoria | Lead Vocalist, The Spanking Machine

Leanne has done a great job with this book. She has easy to digest information for beginners and for those like me who may know about nutritional ketosis but want some extra guidelines. The recipes look great (chicken pot pie! YES!). The meal plan and grocery list make the leap so much easier. I’ve modified some things to fit my body, but as a resource this is gold. I’ve been following Leanne for years and am proud of her for being confident enough to publicly alter plans. She’s not afraid to put her own body through the paces of what she is recommending and take us through the ups and downs along the way.

— Victoria | Lead Vocalist, The Spanking Machine


Thank you so much for your program! I have done a ton of my own research previous to this experience, but I still learned some precious gems from what you shared in The Keto Beginning program. I’ve experienced random hypoglycemic reactions and had no idea what to do with them until reading your book. Using your guidance, I adjusted a couple of key things and wow, I saw a change! I had no idea that these slight adjustments could improve my insulin levels. Thank you so much!

— Christina


Ordered it and completely ate it up [no pun intended] in 1 day! I honestly, have not felt this much peace. And for that, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

— Nicole

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When I purchase The Keto Beginning, how is it delivered to me?

The Keto Beginning is a digital publication, a PDF that contains a full program. When you make your purchase, you will be sent an email. Once the link in the email is clicked, the file will download to your device and will contain the Fat Fueled program in a PDF format. You can save the document to your computer, or send it to your device. For instructions on how to do this, you can Google, “How to save PDF to *name of your device*”. Alternatively, you could print it out and keep it handy. You can keep the copy forever. If you lose it, you can send me an email and I’ll take care of you!

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