Category: Recipes

Leanne’s Canning Adventures: Pie Filling

Leanne’s Canning Adventures: Pie Filling

It’s been just over 2 weeks since I canned my first batch of pickles. I’m happy to report that no jars have filled with mold AND my pickles are to die for. Guess that about makes it time for another canning adventure, huh? Today it’s gluten-free, sugar reduced, pie filling. I created 2 versions of…

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Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

Oh heavenly orange squash that marks the first day of Fall, how I’ve missed your versatility. Pumpkins are filled with complex carbohydrates, fiber, anti-oxidants, and vitamin A… but I’ve been avoiding them. I blame it on end-of-summer-denial syndrome. Yes, it’s something many of us struggle with *tear* But in an effort to keep up with…

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Dreamy Chocolate Chip Cookie Balls

Dreamy Chocolate Chip Cookie Balls

I’m not sure if I’ve ever talked about my parents’ obsession with moving change. I lived in a total of 12 houses in the first 17 years of my life. Now, you may not think that’s a lot, but when you factor in that 6 of those 12 were temporary houses while our next house…

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Putting Leftover Grains To Work: 3 Minute Breakfast Bowl

Putting Leftover Grains To Work: 3 Minute Breakfast Bowl

I don’t know about you, but come the end of the week I have a bunch of leftover grains sitting in the fridge from a weeks worth of sushi and rice bowls. Grains stay good in the fridge for 3 days but the thought of throwing them out kills me every time. Until recently, I’d…

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Green Godessphere Dressing

Green Godessphere Dressing

Kevin and I had quite the jam-packed day yesterday. We headed to fabric land, the local antique store, home depot, and the mall. All in the name of finding some new things for my food photos. I think the antique store was my favorite, it was like an interactive museum! We got home, took the…

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Raspberry Ginger Baked Salmon

Raspberry Ginger Baked Salmon

As much as Kevin would love to have salmon everyday for dinner for the rest of eternity, I try to switch up our animal proteins on a daily basis. When I added animal proteins back to my life a couple of years ago, I made a promise to myself that I would eat the cleanest…

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Double Down Chocolate Power Muffins

Double Down Chocolate Power Muffins

What’s better than double chocolate, melt-in-your-mouth muffins? Healthy, grain-free, dairy-free, double chocolate, melt-in-your-mouth muffins with 110 calories, under 7 grams of fat, over 2 grams of protein, and (get this) 8 grams of sugar! Try saying that 3 times. Hard, isn’t it. You know what’s not hard? Eating 3 of these in one sitting. Not…

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Yasodhara Memories: Sweet Almond Pâté

Yasodhara Memories: Sweet Almond Pâté

Among all the food we enjoyed at Yasodhara ashram, the almond spread was everyone’s favorite and quickly became a popular topic of conversation during my stay. When I got home and tried to recreate it I found it quite challenging to replicate. I knew there was: almonds basil honey lemon juice? Along with it’s characteristics:…

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Leanne’s Canning Adventures: Pickles

Leanne’s Canning Adventures: Pickles

Okay so I may have gone a little overboard on the Okanagan fruit and vegetable shopping on my way back from BC last week. I couldn’t help myself. I had a rented car with loads of extra space and the fruit and veggie stands were calling my name. For those of you who aren’t familiar,…

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How to make Homemade California Rolls

How to make Homemade California Rolls

Homemade California rolls were a huge part of my life as a holistic nutrition student. The girls and I would get together on a Saturday afternoon; each required to bring one random sushi ingredient, and the host would be responsible for preparing the grains. Some weekends we’d have wild rice + yam rolls with spicy…

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