I want...
Scrumptious appetizer that will impress dinner party guests but take you just moments to prepare!
Pumpkin pie infused breakfast cake made with quinoa flakes, pumpkin and chia seeds. Delicious, quick, gluten-free, and vegan, too!
Fluffy, irresistible grain-free cupcakes filled with a gooey and sweet apple pie center and topped with dairy-free cream “cheese” icing.
Raisins, toasted pine nuts and lemon mixed with herbed smashed beans wrapped around grilled zucchini.
Curried vegan soup made creamy with pureed cauliflower, made sweet with fresh apples and topped off with crunchy chickpeas.
Vegan blueberry macaroons topped with marshmallow and chocolate pieces. Dessert… or monster eyeballs?
Vegan and gluten-free caramel popcorn balls made with just 6 clean-eating ingredients and could just be mistaken for creepy-crawly ant hills.
Ridiculously delicious curry filled with roasted sweet potato, fennel, red onion and fresh mint with a curry sauce that’s out of this world!