I want...
5 minute breakfast cake made with gluten-free quinoa flakes, homemade vegan eggnog and apple sauce. Quick, easy, healthy and delicious!
Non-alcoholic dairy-free eggnog recipe that the whole family will love.
Vegan eggnog coffee creamer recipe to transform a boring cup of coffee (or tea) into an eggnog latte!
Apple cider sweetened naturally with fresh-pressed pear juice. Spiced with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg for the perfect healthy holiday treat!
Mashed root vegetables seasoned with a touch of dill, pepper and salt. Simple, delicious and hearty.
The easiest most healthy pumpkin pie you’ve ever indulged in. It’s wheat-free, gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, paleo, and high in protein!
4-Ingredient homemade gummy candies made with fresh-pressed juice for a fabulously healthy, naturally sweet snack!
Bits of cauliflower enveloped in a toasted coconut milk and cardamom sauce. Coconut “rice” without the grains or starch.
Healthy porridge made with fresh roasted butternut squash, gently scooped and surrounded with fresh cashew milk, toasted coconut and ginger chunks.
A healthy, paleo curry made with fresh coconut milk, chicken and an easy Indian spice mix. Lightly spicy with a slight hint of coconut.