I want...
A lighter and sweeter mashed vegetable dish, perfect for Thanksgiving… or any ‘ol day.
Baking a squash is easy to do, quick, and makes for a nice light (and warm) treat. Dress it up squash with some sugar-free jam + cinnamon and you have yourself one tasty (and healthy) dessert!
These cakes are great to prepare ahead of time and freeze for a quick protein snack. They’re light, filled with flavor, and considerably lower in fat than their fried counterparts.
A perfect paleo treat that’s high in protein, fiber, and lower in sugars than most snack-type cakes.
Grain-free fudge mug cakes with half the calories, sugar, and fat as the standard mug cake!
Chia seeds are used as a thickener in this healthy chocolate pudding recipe.
Stay fuller, longer with these grain-free, gluten-free high fiber and protein pancakes.
Maple syrup sweetened apples, the perfect topper to oatmeal, pancakes, or waffles.
Grain-free, paleo cakes with over 17 grams of protein – will keep you full and happy for hours to come!