I want...
Tandoori dishes are usually served with naan or grilled vegetables on the side, but to keep things fresh, I’ve paired the salmon with some fresh spinach, cucumber and pickled onions. This is a great way to start experimenting with Indian flavours, if you haven’t done so already. Hope you enjoy this spring salad!
These are amazing! The blueberry puree acts as the “oil” and helps bind everything together, along with the chia of course which acts as the egg. These are amazing! (sorry had to say it twice, because they really are!) Perfect for grain free diets, too.
A low-fat tangy dill dressing smothers the kale and cucumber in this light and delicious salad.
This healthy slow-cooker recipe has nutritious greens, lean protein, and the immune supporting benefits of sea veggies. Each serving comes in just under 200 calories. Serve it with gluten-free sprouted bread, a serving of rice, or increase the fat of the stew by adding coconut oil to each individual serving.
This juice has loads of different veggies and has a taste similar to V8. Feel free to add carrots, too!
A beautifully glowing juice packed with digestive supporting beets!
Green juice with cinnamon and ginger is the perfect way to ring in day 2 of my juice fast.
The Thai basil gives this pecan based pesto a warm licorice taste. Thai basil has an identifiable licorice flavor not present in sweet basil and holds its flavor much better when cooked in higher temperatures. It exhibits small narrow leaves with purple stems and makes a great addition to green smoothies!