I want...
Baking a squash is easy to do, quick, and makes for a nice light (and warm) treat. Dress it up squash with some sugar-free jam + cinnamon and you have yourself one tasty (and healthy) dessert!
These pumpkin and gingerbread parfaits capture all the tastes of Fall! They’re filling, high in fiber, and low in refined sugars.
A perfect paleo treat that’s high in protein, fiber, and lower in sugars than most snack-type cakes.
Grain-free fudge mug cakes with half the calories, sugar, and fat as the standard mug cake!
Chia seeds are used as a thickener in this healthy chocolate pudding recipe.
Stay fuller, longer with these grain-free, gluten-free high fiber and protein pancakes.
Maple syrup sweetened apples, the perfect topper to oatmeal, pancakes, or waffles.
Grain-free, paleo cakes with over 17 grams of protein – will keep you full and happy for hours to come!
Prepare these smoothies the night before for quick smoothie making. Great for leftover fruits and veg that you need to clean your fridge of. Just throw it in and hope for the best!