I want...
Rice bowls with blanched kale, baked sweet potatoes and chickpeas in a creamy almond sauce.
This salad has all of the flavor of a California roll but with 0 grains and amped up veggies! Crumbling up nori sheets in your salad is a great way to increase your iron and iodine content easily which helps to maintain healthy blood and a happy thyroid.
Spinach, bacon and tomatoes. A match in heaven if you ask me! This salad is sweet, savory, with just a perfect lightness to it!
A low-fat tangy dill dressing smothers the kale and cucumber in this light and delicious salad.
This green smoothie is packing some serious super food power! Cacao – whose flavanoids help keep your heart healthy, spirulina – that’s rich in antioxidants and fantastic for your cellular health, and spinach – which is proven to lower inflammation. It’s all there, and packed into a delicious chocolatey cup!
This juice has loads of different veggies and has a taste similar to V8. Feel free to add carrots, too!
A beautifully glowing juice packed with digestive supporting beets!
Green juice with cinnamon and ginger is the perfect way to ring in day 2 of my juice fast.
Healthy coconut flour cupcakes with apple pieces, plant-sourced minerals and spinach. Drizzled with dairy-free caramel.
Did you know that raspberries have the highest amount of fiber per serving than any of the other berries? And that beginning your day with a serving of raw, unprocessed cacao that will help to balance your mood, first thing? What’s not to love about this smoothie?!