Meal Type: Cakes

Raw Carrot Cake “Cheese”cake

Raw Carrot Cake “Cheese”cake

A raw carrot cake, sweetened with dates and apricots and topped with a cashew vanilla cream “cheese”

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5 minute Strawberry Quinoa Flake Bake

5 minute Strawberry Quinoa Flake Bake

1/2 cup strawberry pulp – about 6-8 strawberries ran through your blender, no water needed! 1/2 cup quinoa flakes 1 tablespoon coconut sugar 1 tablespoon of chia seeds 2 tablespoon apple sauce 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

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Upside Down Apple Pinwheel Cake

Upside Down Apple Pinwheel Cake

A low sugar cake that resembles apple pie. Made with coconut and sorghum flours, surrounded by cinnamon drenched apples.

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5 minute Apple Quinoa Flake Bake

5 minute Apple Quinoa Flake Bake

Not only will it satisfy your sweet cravings, it will keep you full for hours!

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Vegan Zucchini Apple Breakfast Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Vegan Zucchini Apple Breakfast Cake with Cream Cheese Icing

Grain-free and vegan zucchini loaf without the use of eggs, grains or dairy. Smothered in a dairy-free cream cheese sauce.

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Lovers Chocolate Raspberry Quinoa Cake

Lovers Chocolate Raspberry Quinoa Cake

Moist grain-free and dairy-free cake made with cooked quinoa, blended with cocoa powder. Can be made egg-free (and vegan), too.

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