Quinoa Salad with Smokey Bear Dressing

Quinoa Salad with Smokey Bear Dressing

Is it weird that the entire time I was enjoying this bowl of quinoa salad I was thinking of Smokey the bear? [source] Only you can prevent forest fires… Oh my gosh, blast from the past. But this recipe isn’t about bears, or forest fires, or PSA’s from 1950, sorry to disappoint. This recipe is…

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No bake Pumpkin Tarts

No bake Pumpkin Tarts

I wanted to do something different for Thanksgiving dessert this year. My Grandma’s Thanksgiving dessert specialty are butter tarts, my Mom’s is definitely pumpkin pie, and my sister makes a mean pumpkin crepe. But none of my Thanksgiving recipes are famous in our family… yet. This year I decided that it was time I made…

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Gluten-free Wild Rice and Mushroom Stuffing

Gluten-free Wild Rice and Mushroom Stuffing

What a Thanksgiving dinner we had last night! The pumpkins were a plenty, the conversation was deep, and the UNO cards were flying! Not only that, but we made great progress on my office. More on that tomorrow. I headed to Superstore late Sunday night to pick up some last minute items – mushrooms, a…

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Healthful Hints: Strengthen your immune system

Healthful Hints: Strengthen your immune system

I’ve been toying around with the idea of launching a Healthful Hints YouTube channel and finally decided to just go for it! Healthful Hints is a weekly update on all things nutrition. On a weekly basis, I’ll be addressing reader questions, talking about my favorite foods and products, health in the news, and providing seasonal…

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Oil-free Sweet Basil Hummus

Oil-free Sweet Basil Hummus

Instead of carving pumpkins, decorating the Thanksgiving table, or cleaning the house, we went to Home Depot to buy some paint for my new office! The upper level of our house has 2 extra bedrooms. We are using 1 as a spare bedroom and the other as an office. Problem is, we never ever use…

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California Roll Kelp Noodles

California Roll Kelp Noodles

It’s official, I’m addicted to kelp noodles. Since buying my first pack on Upaya Naturals, I’ve come up with a couple of tasty ways to enjoy these low calorie, thyroid supporting noodles. I’ve made countless batches of 150 calorie (and 15 minute) ginger chicken kelp noodle soup, tried toasting them in the oven for a…

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Vegan Banana Bread Animal Crackers

Vegan Banana Bread Animal Crackers

Yesterday I told you about all the cleansing foods I’ve been craving this week. I compared the bodies’ natural detox patterns to trees shedding their leaves in the fall, and we enjoyed a bowl of glorious green soup. But I kinda left a small detail out of the story and it’s time I let it…

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Pump up your Greens ‘Creamed’ Soup

Pump up your Greens ‘Creamed’ Soup

I’ve been craving greens, fish, and fresh fruit like no one’s business this week! I’ve had my fair share of 15 minute salmon cakes, BBQ kale chips, and various fruit salads. Right around this time every year, our bodies go into a natural detox cycle (similar to what we experience in the spring). We gravitate…

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Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes

Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes

Saturday was the day of running around like a crazy person. I slept in by accident, tripped over my gym bag, stubbing my toe in the process, lost my toothbrush (how does that even happen?) and spilled a carton of almond milk on the carpet. By the time I got to the gym at 11am…

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Cranberry Turkey Meatballs

Cranberry Turkey Meatballs

Have you ever looked in your freezer and realized that you’ve created quite the collection of random meat, gluten-free flours, frozen fruit, and nuts/seeds? That’s the story of my life right now. Everywhere I turn there are unopened bags of products that I’d purchased months before with the intention of using, or under the assumption…

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