Green Godessphere Dressing

Green Godessphere Dressing

Kevin and I had quite the jam-packed day yesterday. We headed to fabric land, the local antique store, home depot, and the mall. All in the name of finding some new things for my food photos. I think the antique store was my favorite, it was like an interactive museum! We got home, took the…

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Raspberry Ginger Baked Salmon

Raspberry Ginger Baked Salmon

As much as Kevin would love to have salmon everyday for dinner for the rest of eternity, I try to switch up our animal proteins on a daily basis. When I added animal proteins back to my life a couple of years ago, I made a promise to myself that I would eat the cleanest…

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GIVEAWAY: Mary’s Gone Crackers, Twigs, and Cookies

GIVEAWAY: Mary’s Gone Crackers, Twigs, and Cookies

Guess what time it is? Tool time! Giveaway time! Gosh, I loved that show. When Stephanie contacted me from Mary’s Gone Crackers and asked me to review some of their newest products, I jumped at the opportunity. Mary’s Gone Crackers were the first tasty gluten-free cracker I found after months of searching for a good…

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Double Down Chocolate Power Muffins

Double Down Chocolate Power Muffins

What’s better than double chocolate, melt-in-your-mouth muffins? Healthy, grain-free, dairy-free, double chocolate, melt-in-your-mouth muffins with 110 calories, under 7 grams of fat, over 2 grams of protein, and (get this) 8 grams of sugar! Try saying that 3 times. Hard, isn’t it. You know what’s not hard? Eating 3 of these in one sitting. Not…

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Yasodhara Memories: Sweet Almond Pâté

Yasodhara Memories: Sweet Almond Pâté

Among all the food we enjoyed at Yasodhara ashram, the almond spread was everyone’s favorite and quickly became a popular topic of conversation during my stay. When I got home and tried to recreate it I found it quite challenging to replicate. I knew there was: almonds basil honey lemon juice? Along with it’s characteristics:…

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Fall Training Plan

Fall Training Plan

Oh my gosh half marathon. I created a training plan for my first half marathon, came in under my goal time, and shared how I prepared for it. Now it’s time to get a new goal and come up with a new plan! Are you sick of me talking about running yet? Just one more…

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Leanne’s Canning Adventures: Pickles

Leanne’s Canning Adventures: Pickles

Okay so I may have gone a little overboard on the Okanagan fruit and vegetable shopping on my way back from BC last week. I couldn’t help myself. I had a rented car with loads of extra space and the fruit and veggie stands were calling my name. For those of you who aren’t familiar,…

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How to make Homemade California Rolls

How to make Homemade California Rolls

Homemade California rolls were a huge part of my life as a holistic nutrition student. The girls and I would get together on a Saturday afternoon; each required to bring one random sushi ingredient, and the host would be responsible for preparing the grains. Some weekends we’d have wild rice + yam rolls with spicy…

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Lean and Clean Turkey Burgers

Lean and Clean Turkey Burgers

Although the scent of chai has filled our house with the transition to fall, and the homemade chai lattes are flowing freely in the kitchen, I’m not ready to say good-bye to summer. I can accept that the Canadian in me will be enjoying burgers on the grill throughout the depths of winter… so long…

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How I Prepared For My First Half Marathon

How I Prepared For My First Half Marathon

I completed my first half marathon just a little over 2 weeks ago, w00t! Setting up the training plan for the big day was definitely one piece, but so was preparing the week leading up to the event. I was nervous, forgetful, and excited. I’d been preparing for this for over a year and didn’t…

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