Energy Smoothies

Energy Smoothies

This long weekend has been so fantastic already. I’m thrilled to have another day today to continue cleaning the house, organizing our offices, and making a mark in the endless pile of laundry. It’s my first weekend at home in over 2 weeks so I’ve let a lot of things fall to the wayside. Sometimes…

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Homemade Chai Concentrate + Iced Chai Lattes

Homemade Chai Concentrate + Iced Chai Lattes

It’s my Mom’s birthday today. Well, actually it was Friday, but we chose to push the celebration to today. I made my Dad a chocolate quinoa cake with vanilla buttercream icing for his birthday in June… so the pressure was on to come up with something: That didn’t involve a “baked good” because Mom doesn’t…

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Millet and Amaranth Porridge

Millet and Amaranth Porridge

Since getting back from the ashram late Tuesday night, all I’ve wanted to eat is millet. Millet, millet and more millet! You see, each morning after our yoga asana classes, we would head to the Mandala House for a bowl of hot millet porridge and fresh fruit from the garden. The toppings were vast, the…

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Journey to Health: A Week Of Dialogue With My Heart

Journey to Health: A Week Of Dialogue With My Heart

If I had to describe my time at Yasodhara ashram in 5 words or phrases, I’d choose: dialogue connecting rooting finding my power opened up my heart and letting it sing But my 7 day trip definitely didn’t start out this way. I spent Thursday evening in Cranbrook at a lovely Bed & Breakfast, then…

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Guest Post with Laurel of Leaves: Lime & Mint Chicken Coleslaw

Guest Post with Laurel of Leaves: Lime & Mint Chicken Coleslaw

Last guest poster of the bunch; but certainly not least, is Lori from Laurel of Leaves. Lori’s approach to wellness is very similar to mine – she likes home cooked meals made from clean and simple ingredients. One of my favorite things about Lori’s blog is that she shares a lot of the reasons why…

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Do What You Love Everyday

Do What You Love Everyday

Callie is one rawkin’ chick. One visit to her blog and you’ll be amazed with how much attention to detail she gives each of her posts, not to mention the passion she has for design, whole foods, and health. Oh… I’m a rawxy fan for life! Take it away, Callie! Hi everyone! I’m so ecstatic…

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Blackberry Crackers

Blackberry Crackers

I’m happy to introduce you to Kristina from Spabettie. For those of you who don’t know Kristina, she’s one of the warmest, most caring, and dynamic women I know. Although we’ve never met in person, it’s hard not to get a sense of what she’d be like in real life. Her personality pours out of…

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Healthy Travel 101: Packing For Success

Healthy Travel 101: Packing For Success

For more on the healthy travel series, check out packing for success and staying on track away from home, backpacking essentials, camping and eating well. Us folks with our allergies, special diets, and just an interest in eating healthy can be faced with some challenges when we journey away from our homes. Whether it’s for…

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Creamy Vegan Coleslaw with Bean Mayonnaise

Creamy Vegan Coleslaw with Bean Mayonnaise

Did you know that cabbage is ridiculously good for you? If you did, you get a gold star! If not, read on. I promise you’ll like where this is going. It… Benefits your eyes. Is rich in sulphur (good for your liver) and iron (balances your blood) Contains phytonutrients that work similarly to antioxidants. These…

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