Green Tea Lemonade

Green Tea Lemonade

You could say that I’ve become a bit obsessed with green tea lately. You can find me using it as a replacement for the milk or juice in smoothies, combining it with almond milk for cereal [don’t knock it till you try it], or enjoying a green tea lemonade as a mid-morning treat. Because there’s…

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Canadian Derby Half Marathon Recap

Canadian Derby Half Marathon Recap

1 year of preparation, 1 torn patella, 56+ hours of physical therapy, 190 mile drive, multiple bowls of rice pasta, sprinkled with a couple moments of fear… and I’m officially a half marathon finisher. Yes, you read that right – I finished it. I was majorly doubting my ability to complete this race. I’d tried…

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Green Energy Smoothies

Green Energy Smoothies

The race starts in 3.5 hours. I’m tucked up in the hotel bed with an ice pack on my knee, sipping my smoothie and looking forward to my pre-race quinoa flake bake. Technically I should be sleeping, but I couldn’t go another minute without sharing this recipe with you! When my Mom and Dad came…

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100 Calorie Beary Simple Cookies

100 Calorie Beary Simple Cookies

Ever since I shared my plan to rid myself of Candida, I’ve gotten hundreds of emails from readers all over the globe asking me for yeasty beasty guidance. What’s the most common topic on those Candida ridden minds? “What can we cook?” Jennifer and Jaclyn from Sketch-free Vegan contacted me awhile back with an invitation…

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Cranberry Mango Millet Salad

Cranberry Mango Millet Salad

Have you ever fallen victim to a week that just wouldn’t end? Generally I’m against wishing the week away, but this week is an exception. In 3 days I’ll be lining up with thousands of other runners to participate in my very first half marathon. I just want the week to fly by so that…

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Strawberry Cheesecake ‘Blizzard’ (No sugar added)

Strawberry Cheesecake ‘Blizzard’ (No sugar added)

Before being introduced to banana soft serve I would have never thought to make ice cream out of frozen fruit. Sitting outside on a hot summers day soaking up the sunshine and cooling off with a cup of fudgy banana soft serve opened up a whole new world for me. I’ve never been the same…

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GIVEAWAY: Navan Foods Bean Pastas

GIVEAWAY: Navan Foods Bean Pastas

I thought it’d be nice to switch it up a bit and go with a pasta giveaway this month. Any objections? Good. I have no doubts you’ll like this one. I’m excited about this product because it’s not your everyday pasta, no, no. It’s a bean based pasta, meaning it’s low in carbohydrates, high in…

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Grain-free Coffee Cake Made With Love and Gratitude

Grain-free Coffee Cake Made With Love and Gratitude

I read Jennie’s story on Friday night while I sat relaxing on the couch with Kevin after a ridiculously long day. Halfway through, tears started trickling down my cheeks. Upon leaving a comment and looking over at Kevin with eyes of adoration, I closed my laptop and cuddled up to him. Instead of running around…

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Dairy Lane Cafe, Calgary

Dairy Lane Cafe, Calgary

Gluten-free burgers. These three words are like music to my ears, like trumpets sounding, and angels singing. Well, you get the idea. When we heard Dairy Lane; a local cafe in the heart of Calgary; was serving up gluten-free dishes, we put it on the top of our dinning list… along with at least a…

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Gluten-free Sprouted Bread with a Spiced Pecan option

Gluten-free Sprouted Bread with a Spiced Pecan option

When I was getting tested for celiac disease my Naturopath recommended that I stick to sprouted breads to ease my way into eating gluten again. As an attempt to stay positive about the whole experience, I looked forward to trying out 100% sprouted bread – something I’d been recommending to many of my clients for…

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