Climbing Grub (ahh Pizza Pockets!!)

Climbing Grub (ahh Pizza Pockets!!)

Today will be remembered as the day I made my first gluten-free pizza pop climbed my first mountain. Booyah! [source] The mountain we’re climbing is in Kananaskis. We booked the trip to celebrate my 25th birthday [that happened over 2 months ago]. It’s been a long time coming, but the day is finally upon us….

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Reconnecting With Self

Reconnecting With Self

Life is full of ups and downs. When you’re experiencing an up you forget about the down, and when you’re down you think you’re never going to be up again. Although a challenge to accept at times, I’ve learned to embrace the opportunities that present themselves during these low moments. It’s a perfect time to…

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Happy Tummy Fruit Salad with Ginger Mint Glaze

Happy Tummy Fruit Salad with Ginger Mint Glaze

Summer gets me in the mood to sit outside on a picnic bench and enjoy a bowlful of the freshest in-season fruits. Unfortunately for us Calgarians, it hasn’t exactly been warm this summer. But, just because the weather stinks doesn’t mean I can’t eat like it’s hot outside… while wearing my thick fall fleece and…

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Where it Vegan: Gazpacho

Where it Vegan: Gazpacho

I recently had my parents over for dinner while Kevin was traveling a couple weeks ago. It’s nice to have the house to myself every once in awhile, but after a couple of weeks I tend to get a bit lonely! When my parents called me on a Monday night to ask what I was…

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Snickerdoodle Quinoa Flake Bake

Snickerdoodle Quinoa Flake Bake

I asked my followers on Facebook a couple of weeks ago what quinoa flake bake flavor I should come up with next. Although there was a strong following for carrot cake at first, snickerdoodle ended up sliding into first base. A couple of tries later and I successfully landed on a cake that was perfectly…

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Refuel with Homemade Electrolyte Drinks

Refuel with Homemade Electrolyte Drinks

Do you remember the first time you drank Gatorade? I do! I was at a track and field meet. After the race, my coach passed me a bottle of Gatorade and told me to drink it to avoid feeling sick. The neon color should have been enough to raise a red flag, but I drank…

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Healthified Supreme Chunky Monkey Ice Cream

Healthified Supreme Chunky Monkey Ice Cream

For those of you who guessed chunky monkey ice cream, you were bang on! Although you did cheat and look at the title of the picture. Fail on my part for not editing that. It was early and I was consumed by chocolate chunks and walnuts. Can you blame me for being sucked in by…

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Happy Monkey

Happy Monkey

We got up early this morning to put the final touches on the backyard + tidy up the house. Once our breakfast was digested, Kevin and I started dreaming up a snack that had to be: Sweet, but not too sweet Quick to make Cool us down Make the neighbors jealous What says morning “snack”…

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Grilled Fennel Dippers

Grilled Fennel Dippers

You have 60 minutes before a group of your closest friends show up for a dinner party and you forgot to make an appetizer. What do you do? a) Run around the house like a chicken with your head cut off [an expression my mom always used… and lived constantly]. b) Head out to the…

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Cookie Crazed…

Cookie Crazed…

Congratulations, Rachel! You’ve won 2 boxes of Enjoy Life Crunchy Cookies. I’m sad that all my cookies are gone. Luckily for Rachel, she’ll have some tasty gluten-free sugar and double chocolate cookies stashed away for weeks to come. If you’re sad that you didn’t win any cookies, don’t fret. Instead, turn that frown upside down…

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