Planning our Garden

Planning our Garden

It’s been over a week since I planted our perennial garden and to my amazement nothing is dead! Since I seem to have done something right, I thought it’d be fun to take you through how I became a gardener overnight. Every good garden begins with research If you’re like me and know nothing about…

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The Everything Awesome Frittata

The Everything Awesome Frittata

Oh my gosh it’s so hot out. It’s been 81F or higher since Sunday and looks like today will be about the same. Living in a town that sees 8 months of snow makes 81 degrees feel like we’re living in the sun. Thankfully our neighbors have air conditioning, and I have plenty of treats…

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Berry Pastry Jam Rolls

Berry Pastry Jam Rolls

I’ve always had a soft spot for pastries. I haven’t exactly been able to indulge like I used to since removing sugar, dairy, and gluten from my diet. That was until I tried my hand at a vegan, gluten-free version of Martha Stewart’s pie crust. First pastry creation – Grilled inside out apple pies *swoon*…

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No bake Blueberry Cream Pie

No bake Blueberry Cream Pie

I was so tired yesterday morning that I decided to skip my morning workout, treat myself to a 30 minute sleep in, and prepare a nice breakfast. After enjoying an apple quinoa flake bake, I set the intention that I would find the time in the afternoon for a run. Thankfully, 10 hours later I…

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Opening a Coconut in 7 Simple Steps

Opening a Coconut in 7 Simple Steps

Whole coconuts are insanely cheap right now. Until recently, I believed that if you didn’t have a machete at home, breaking open a coconut was next to impossible. Thankfully, I’ve landed on the easiest way to break open a coconut with the tools you have around your home and in 7 simple steps. Y’all ready…

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Stampede Barbecue Lentil Sandwich and a Yeeha!

Stampede Barbecue Lentil Sandwich and a Yeeha!

Late night partying, men in cowboy hats, and the smell of manure is in the air. [I swear when you grow up surrounded by the stuff, it doesn’t bother you at all]. Although we don’t join the Calgary Stampede festivities anymore, it’s hard not to miss out on the action from afar. [source] The Calgary…

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Grilled Mini Inside Out Apple Pies

Grilled Mini Inside Out Apple Pies

Every time I step foot outside after around 3pm, I smell barbecues. Everyone’s out on their deck, enjoying the sunshine, a juicy burger, and an ice cold beer. Sadly, because of all the yard work we’ve had to do [aka pay for], there will be no barbecue purchasing for awhile. For this reason, I’ve been…

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Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

Holy dirt. It’s 6pm on a Saturday and I’m absolutely pooped. But hey, look at the progress we’ve made in just over 24 hours! Friday My goal on Friday was to get most of our front garden sorted out. What I quickly learned is that gardening isn’t exactly thrilling. That is until you blare some…

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Vegan Peppermint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Vegan Peppermint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Kevin and I have been busy bees this week! The weather’s been hot, the sunscreen is running on empty, ice cream has been flowing, and our backyard projects are finally coming together. Among other things, we dug a 24″ deep trench for the conduit cable for our new bug zapper. Take THAT mosquitoes. Mwahaha. I…

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Peaches n’ Cream Overnight Oats

Peaches n’ Cream Overnight Oats

As a kid, I ate peaches and cream oats like it was my JOB! That, and apple cinnamon. My sister would get so upset when I’d raid the oatmeal variety packs and steal all of the good flavors. You snooze, you lose, right? Thankfully with overnight oats, you snooze and you WIN every time. Good…

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