Maple Balsamic Dijon Salad with Strawberries & Pecans

Maple Balsamic Dijon Salad with Strawberries & Pecans

So, I pulled my groin running last week. If it’s not one injury it’s another, I tell ya. The pain comes and goes, but the inflammation is ridiculous. On top of using arnica gel and epsom salt baths, I’ve been adding flax oil [omega-3] in absolutely everything to help with my overall inflammation. Any additional…

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Yukka Flux Cocktails – Rum Drenched Fruit

Yukka Flux Cocktails – Rum Drenched Fruit

What a weekend! The weather was gorgeous, we have trees in our backyard now, our neighborhood barbecue was a success, and… my computer’s fixed! Thankfully no files were lost. So, the minute my computer was up and running, I did a backup of everything. I now have everything online on Dropbox. I was drawn to…

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Zucchini Apple Spice Loaf with Cinnamon Sugar Topping

Zucchini Apple Spice Loaf with Cinnamon Sugar Topping

So, it all started a couple of weeks ago when I tried to change Angela’s oil-free Zucchini Bread recipe into a gluten-free one. I think I’m finally convinced that gluten-free just doesn’t do oil-free well [under most circumstances]. I switched gears after the first batch and went in a slightly different direction. Thankfully, it worked!…

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Photography 102: Lighting

Photography 102: Lighting

For more photography how-tos, check out: Photography 101 [WooOOoo HAPPY CANADA DAY! Okay, I just had to get that out of my system. On to the photography post…] I’ve really started to take an interest in improving my photography since around the time I posted my photography 101 post. After reviewing the basics, next up…

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Dad’s Famous Potato Salad

Dad’s Famous Potato Salad

The summer months bring back so many fantastic childhood memories. In the summer… You could catch me hiding with my dad under the dinning room table, chowing down on dipped Oreos in milk right before dinner. I could also be found doing flips in the lake with my little sister screaming “free willy!” [Weird? Maybe….

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Canada Day Dessert Pizza

Canada Day Dessert Pizza

Canada Day is a big event at our house. We throw some meat on the grill, gather up as much Kokanee as we can, and blare the tunes. All in the name of this beautiful country we call home. This year, I wanted to do something a bit different. Of course there will be potato…

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Vegan Taco Salad

Vegan Taco Salad

What an eventful day yesterday! I’d taken the day off from work to catch up on things but ended up having to deal with a major computer problem for a huge chunk of the day. At 12pm, I found myself in my car, rushing into the city with my damaged computer tower nestled in the…

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Coconut Surprise Breakfast Bake

Coconut Surprise Breakfast Bake

One of my clients shared this coconut waffle recipe with me over a month ago. Since then, I’ve made at least 10 batches [they make great pancakes too!]. Having been introduced to a new blog in the process; Joy from Joy the Baker is amazing, it wasn’t long until I was inspired to turn the…

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I am Accepting

I am Accepting

Past positive affirmations project posts: Introduction and I am Fit. A couple of weeks ago, a close girlfriend and I were chatting about how often we plan out our lives, down to every detail. And, how devastated we get when the plans don’t go our way. When in all reality, those unplanned changes end up…

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Stuffed Pizza Mushrooms

Stuffed Pizza Mushrooms

What’s one food that you distinctly remember from your childhood? One that stands above all the rest? For me, it was bagel bites. The ooey, gooey, delicious morsels that made up my after school snack from the time I was 6, to the day I moved out of my parents’ house and realized how darn…

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