Guilt-free Nuts & Seeds Toffee Squares

Guilt-free Nuts & Seeds Toffee Squares

Remember these granola bars from JK Gourmet? My first bite of the nuts & seeds flavor was heavenly. By my second bite, I was mentally trying to create a homemade replica of the delicious bar I held in my hand. Technically I failed at recreating it. Luckily, I randomly made a healthy toffee recipe that…

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Stocking your Pantry

Stocking your Pantry

I get so many questions about how I stock my pantry! I guess you could say there is a bit of system behind it, so I figured I’d share the approach I use to ensure I have ample supplies in my home for many a healthful baking adventure. For a handy dandy take-along of the…

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Green Eggs No Ham

Green Eggs No Ham

Back in May, we took my Mom out at one of our favorite restaurants in Calgary, the Coup. I’ve gone to the Coup probably twice a week for the past 5 years, so I’ve literally tried every gluten free item on the menu, except a scrambled egg dish they call “Green Eggs No Ham”. What…

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Overnight Banana Cherry Pudding

Overnight Banana Cherry Pudding

The weekend went by terribly fast, didn’t it? It hasn’t stopped raining in over 2 weeks, or at least it seems that way. Instead of relaxing outside as I’m sure most of you did, we spent most of the weekend cuddled up on the couch with the puppies, watching movies and dozing off here and…

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Half Marathon Training Plan

Half Marathon Training Plan

We have just 2 months until my half marathon in Edmonton. Everything I’ve done in the past year has been leading up to this moment. My patella recovery, trying out spin for the first time, and enrolling in a 3 month masters swim class, were all scary moments. But none have made me as anxious…

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Italian Greens and Grains Bombs + Empty the Fridge Salad

Italian Greens and Grains Bombs + Empty the Fridge Salad

Congratulations, Alex + Claire – you’ve won 4 boxes of gluten-free granola bars! I’ll send you an email in a few! ———————————————————— I know that’s not a bowl of chia pudding above, and chia has absolutely nothing to do with the recipe I’m planning to share with you, but enlighten me… Has anyone had chia…

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Raw Spirulina Energy Crunch Bars

Raw Spirulina Energy Crunch Bars

I think one of my favorite things about blogging has been forcing myself to come up with new snack ideas. Of course I have my favorites, but I can’t very well be posting kale chip, strawberry shortcake, and cracker recipes every week, now can I? It’s been nice to start each week off with a…

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5 minute Mango Tropics Quinoa Flake Bake

5 minute Mango Tropics Quinoa Flake Bake

I’ve been drawn to these mango quinoa bakes this week because they’re fast and can be prepared the night before. That, and there was a mango sale at Superstore over the weekend. Let’s just say I may have gone a little overboard on the stockpiling. Bonus is, I’ve learned how to freeze multiple pounds of…

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Rich Chocolate Quinoa Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Rich Chocolate Quinoa Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

After my race on Saturday, we rushed home so I could make a birthday cake for my dad. One of my infamous dairy-free recipes that wins the hearts of everyone who tastes it. For real. I had originally planned to make Angela’s no bake version of her Chilled Double Chocolate Torte, but the avocados I…

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10km Footstock Race Recap

10km Footstock Race Recap

Right around this time last month, I participated in my first 10km race. It was raining, but I managed. For this race, we experienced torrential downpour. No word of a lie, there were times where closing my eyes and running was better than keeping them open and drowning my eyeballs. But, I did it. Pre-race…

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