Coconut Curry Socca Crackers

Coconut Curry Socca Crackers

I can’t believe a month has past since I started working with my running coach. Oh how time flies when you’re not having fun. I kid. Even though there are days where I feel like nothing has improved, deep down I know that I have made huge progress since starting this journey in August. haha…

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Apple Pie Millet Breakfast Casserole

Apple Pie Millet Breakfast Casserole

I love taking photos of my food but never, never like this. I couldn’t get enough of this breakfast dish that I ended up having for lunch + bedtime snack yesterday. Anyone care to share their tricks on how to get sticky goop off casserole dishes? It’s been soaking since 1pm yesterday. Caution: this recipe…

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Carrot Raisin Nut Muffins

Carrot Raisin Nut Muffins

My day off yesterday was awesome! Sometimes we all just need a day to lay low and recharge. I didn’t get to take pictures of the cow’s but the farmer said they’d be back out tomorrow so I’ll try again then [they were too far away from the fence!]. One of the activities I was…

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Baked Coconut Cream French Toast

Baked Coconut Cream French Toast

You guys are quite the encouraging bunch! Thank you all for your supportive messages yesterday. Parsley said “remember, you are awesome!” It’s so important for all of us to remember this. Stefanie said “Setting small goals is so important to avoid setting yourself up for failure! I’ve been trying to increase my mileage (I seem…

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Cinnamon Rice Pudding with Cherry LARABAR Sauce

Cinnamon Rice Pudding with Cherry LARABAR Sauce

I never in a million years thought I would ever be interested in marathon training. Yet here I am, 6 months after tearing my patella(s), accomplishing the long recovery, pushing myself to the max, all with this large end goal. As with learning anything new, there’s bound to be a couple of bumps along the…

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Raw Blonde Nanaimo Bars

Raw Blonde Nanaimo Bars

I can’t stop marveling at the weather change and how much sun I’ve been able to soak up since Sunday. I’ve even planned an outdoor long run for Saturday morning. I vote for no more snow until next winter, anyone with me? [It usually snows in May but I’m hopeful that this year will be…

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Warm Cranberry Balsamic Pasta Salad

Warm Cranberry Balsamic Pasta Salad

I got to catch up with Sona yesterday afternoon over a hot cup of tea at a Starbucks in Inglewood. The original plan was to hit up Wildernest Dream Cafe but they were closed. It’s been a year since I’ve heard of the place but have yet to visit. Eh, what’s another couple months? Sona…

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Tropical Quinoa Health Bars

Tropical Quinoa Health Bars

How is it that this weekend seemed to fly by even quicker than the last? I did get a bunch of stuff done yesterday, which is good, including a bit of our taxes. I’m still regretting leaving it until the very last minute + not keeping things as organized as I should have. Here’s to…

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Sweet Potato Carob Chip Cookies

Sweet Potato Carob Chip Cookies

Kevin and I watched TiMER [2009] yesterday. Leave it up to Kevin to come home with a movie that no one has heard of [or was I just left in the dark on this one?] Basically, the movie is about a society that builds a timing devise that will tell the user the exact time…

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Sleepy Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

Sleepy Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

Happy Saturday! I’m just about to head to the gym for a 60 min swim + 45 min run + stretch/core. Woot! Tomorrow is my rest day. Words cannot express how giddy I am. Another thing that makes me equally as giddy? glass dharma straws. Gail over at glass dharma was kind enough to send…

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