Salad Challenge: Green Goddessphere at Sea

Salad Challenge: Green Goddessphere at Sea

This weeks’ salad challenge posts: Introduction, Sweet + Creamy Broccoli Salad I find that I am a lot more excited to prepare a big salad everyday when I have a fun and exciting homemade dressing to depend on. Some of my favorites are Smokey Bear Dressing, Sweet Almond Spread with a bit of water, and…

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Salad Challenge: Sweet + Creamy Broccoli Salad

Salad Challenge: Sweet + Creamy Broccoli Salad

For an introduction to this weeks’ salad challenge, check out this post. Day two of our challenge and I just had to begin by posting my favorite of all the recipes I’ll be sharing this week. I know, I should have probably worked up to my favorite, but I couldn’t help myself. Maybe I’ll change…

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2012 Salad Challenge

2012 Salad Challenge

Salad challenge posts: Introduction, Sweet + Creamy Broccoli Salad, Green Goddessphere at Sea, Spinach Salad with Tomato Vinaigrette, Cucumber Dill Kale Salad, and Hot and Wild Roasted Veggie Salad Around mid-October I realized that having one salad a day; whether it be for lunch or dinner, had a dramatic impact on my mood, digestion, and…

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Top 12 Recipes of 2011

Top 12 Recipes of 2011

Happy New Year’s Eve! Had it not been for Kevin, I would have completely missed ringing in the New Year. I had it in my head that December 31st was tomorrow, not today. Kevin came down to the kitchen a couple of hours ago and said ‘uh, Leanne? Today is New Year’s Eve, not tomorrow’…

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Dominican Republic: Part 3

Dominican Republic: Part 3

How quickly our Dominican trip escaped us. We were so sick those last couple of days that I didn’t get to share all of our adventures! Better late than never, right? Wednesday’s dives were fantastic. The weather was much warmer than Tuesday; the sun was shining and there was no rain! Wednesdays schedule had us…

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4 Nourishing Green Smoothies under 400 calories

4 Nourishing Green Smoothies under 400 calories

Beginning the day off with a green smoothie gives me a radiating glow, knowing that I’ve given the cells in my body exactly what they need to feel energized and nourished. Green smoothies also happen to be the perfect breakfast if you happen to have polished off an entire box of Bernard Callebaut dark chocolates…

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Berries ‘n Cream Chia Pudding

Berries ‘n Cream Chia Pudding

I’ve just chosen the 3 winners of the cacao powder giveaway! Be sure to check out the original post to see if you’re one of the lucky three! We’ve been back in Canada for 3 days, at home, with the dogs. Life is sweet! Although our diving trip to Dominican was fun, I really did…

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Gluten-free Gingerbread House

Gluten-free Gingerbread House

Hi everyone, how was your Christmas? Ours was over in a flash! We got home from Dominican at noon on Christmas day. Both of us managed to stay awake until 7pm (minus a couple of unplanned naps throughout the day) before we fell asleep on the living room couch for over 14 hours. We didn’t…

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

I’m so happy to have shared much excitement, joy, adventures, and cake with you all this year. May your holiday season be filled with love, acceptance, and celebration. <3 Leanne  

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GIVEAWAY: Authentic Dominican Republic Cacao Powder

GIVEAWAY: Authentic Dominican Republic Cacao Powder

Morning :) Guess what I picked up for us yesterday? Three pounds of the best cacao powder I’ve ever tasted. Well, four pounds if you include the package I bought for myself. Our plan was to go on the cacao plantation tour yesterday – to learn all about how cacao is harvested, processed, packaged, the…

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