Pumpkin Gingersnap Chia Breakfast Parfaits

Pumpkin Gingersnap Chia Breakfast Parfaits

Pictures like this make me miss home, and my kitchen. There’s something to be said for being able to mosey on down to your kitchen and create whatever tickles your fancy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a great time in London; there are so many amazing shops, great energy, and tasty food to be…

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Crock-Pot Turkey & Navy Bean Pumpkin Chili

Crock-Pot Turkey & Navy Bean Pumpkin Chili

The last 24 hours are a complete blur. My head knows that it’s morning, but my body is telling me I should be getting ready to snuggle up in bed. Regardless, I’m sure I’ll be in tip-top shape tomorrow. We got into London around 11am local time yesterday (Sunday). By the time we checked into…

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Healthy Travel 102: Staying on Track Away From Home

Healthy Travel 102: Staying on Track Away From Home

For more on the healthy travel series, check out packing for success and staying on track away from home, backpacking essentials, camping and eating well. One of the best parts about traveling, is getting to plan what new and exciting goodies I’ll take with me. You may think that carting things around would be a…

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GIVEAWAY: Sea Tangle Kelp Noodles & Sea Vegetables

GIVEAWAY: Sea Tangle Kelp Noodles & Sea Vegetables

[source] Congratulations, Andrea! You’ve won the giveaway! I’ll send you an email to get your details. Thanks for participating everyone :) ~ I bought my very first bag of kelp noodles from Upaya Naturals in August. Sadly, I can’t claim that there was much thought put into the purchase. In fact, the only reason I ordered…

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Baked Maple Peach Acorn Squash Dessert

Baked Maple Peach Acorn Squash Dessert

One of the lessons I’ve learned from tracking my daily eats in my food journal, is that my body responds really well to squashes. Every time I eat them I feel energized, satiated, and if done up right, they satisfy my sweet tooth, too! I’ve been trying to introduce myself to a new type of…

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Food Journaling Challenge

Food Journaling Challenge

We’re conditioned at a very young age to believe that if we follow the food pyramid/plate, we’re going to be a-ok nutritionally; but I got news for you, what’s good for you is not necessarily going to be good for me. You may do better on a vegan diet than I ever will, my body…

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Gluten-free + Vegan Gingersnap Cookies

Gluten-free + Vegan Gingersnap Cookies

I loved the idea of gifting my homemade cake stands to friends and families for the holidays. (Thanks everyone!) Thing is – you can’t really give a cake stand to someone without having treats on it, especially if they know that you love to bake. So I tried to figure out what seasonal recipe I…

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What’s Happenin’

What’s Happenin’

Lots has been going on over here on the blog, and in my day to day. Despite all of my efforts to try to slow things down and go into hibernation mode, November is proving to be quite the busy month! On Friday, I got completely lost searching for a recipe on the blog and practically…

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Tangy Dill Dressing

Tangy Dill Dressing

I’ve gone into another pickle craze. It happens every couple of months and has proven to be extra awesome when you have an entire shelf of homemade pickles in your basement. Gosh, making my own pickles has to be one of the best ideas I’ve ever had. Adding pickles to salad dressing? Another fabulous idea….

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Healthful Hints: Happy and Healthy Pregnancy

Healthful Hints: Happy and Healthy Pregnancy

I had no idea how many Moms-to-be read the blog! Hello to you all out there :) I’m thrilled to hear that you’re interested in learning about how to have a happy and healthy pregnancy, and that you’ve asked me to share my opinion on the topic. Today we’re chatting about a general portion plan for…

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