Maple Turnip and Carrot Mash

Maple Turnip and Carrot Mash

My love for mashed potatoes goes deep. The day I moved out of my parents house at the tender age of 17, I was very happy to learn that potatoes were about the only thing I could afford. That and egg noodles, tomato juice and licorice from Walmart. Let’s just say there was a 3…

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Grain-free Carrot Cupcakes with Dairy-free ‘Cream cheese’ Buttercream

Grain-free Carrot Cupcakes with Dairy-free ‘Cream cheese’ Buttercream

Every couple of months there’s a recipe that; no matter how many times I try, just won’t work out. I have a really hard time giving up on things and have a very strong desire to reach for my dreams, no matter how ridiculous they may be. Who dreams of making the perfect grain-free cupcake?…

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How to Make Inexpensive Cake Stands

How to Make Inexpensive Cake Stands

The day I fell in love with Pinterest was when I learned that you can make beautiful cake stands out of old plates and cups. Awesome, right? Being the crafty lady that I am; or try to be, I knew I had to give this a whirl. What you’ll need A couple plates + cups…

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GIVEAWAY: Simply Bars

GIVEAWAY: Simply Bars

Winner update November 10 – congratulations, Micah! You’ve won the giveaway! I’ll contact you soon for you details. Thanks for participating, all :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’m always on the lookout for gluten-free, vegan protein bars. While I definitely don’t rely on them on a daily basis, I like to have a backup of protein with me…

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5 Ingredient Jam-packed Protein Cakes

5 Ingredient Jam-packed Protein Cakes

One of my biggest frustrations over the past couple of months has been my inability to build muscle. I changed up my workouts, tried out new activities, nothing was helping. As part of my shifting and staying motivated project, I decided to take a long hard look at my diet to see if there were areas…

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Healthful Hints: My Favorite Healthy Alternative Sweeteners

Healthful Hints: My Favorite Healthy Alternative Sweeteners

Since battling with a rough patch of candida, I’ve been working on ways to lower my intake of  unhealthy sweeteners. About a year of recipe development, research, and training of the taste buds, I now opt for sugar sources that are better for my overall health that still allow me to enjoy a sweet treat…

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Gluten-free Multigrain Rosemary Crackers

Gluten-free Multigrain Rosemary Crackers

I’m so late in sharing this recipe with you, but I can explain. It all started with a craving for buttery crackers about a month ago. Now, normally I’m really good at the whole recipe development process. I’ve lost many a written down recipe, and felt I had learned my lesson. But low and behold,…

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Shifting Gears and Staying Motivated

Shifting Gears and Staying Motivated

November is upon us! I’ve become interested in sleeping away the afternoon, indulging in homemade chocolate chip cookies, and parking myself on the couch for the whole weekend. Needless to say, my motivation has chosen to go into hibernation. It all started about a month ago. I began battling with knee issues, forced rest days,…

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365 Days of Healthful Pursuit… And A Bit Of Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal

365 Days of Healthful Pursuit… And A Bit Of Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal

Today marks the 1st blogiversary of Healthful Pursuit! The past 365 days have been filled with great food, inspiration, friendship, self care, triumph, frustration, and a whole lot a love. The craziest part? Healthful Pursuit was never intended to be a food blog. It began as a website for my private practice. I envisioned it…

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Healthful Hints: 5 Steps to Kick-Start Weight loss

Healthful Hints: 5 Steps to Kick-Start Weight loss

Have you followed a diet in the past? Did you feel frustrated, limited, and to top it all off, gain the weight back after the whole process? Well, you’re not alone! Studies are now showing that 30-60% of weight lost through dieting is regained within one year, and almost all of it is regained within five…

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