
The friendliest, most love-filled gossip you’ve ever overheard.

My heart flutters with gratitude for each and every last one of you.

If being part of the Healthful Pursuit community has triggered some crazy awesome happenings in your life or helped catapult you forward, I’d love to hear about it.


OMG! I am so so excited and happy! I opened Leanne’s book, started reading it aaaand… it didn’t cause me anxiety. It did not begin with words “stop”, “never again”, “poison sugar”, etc. It began with words “love yourself”, “peaceful mind”, “calm”, “happy”. As I was reading it I discovered that our life is about loving yourself, not forever controlling yourself. I am ecstatic to begin my keto journey. I tried everything from marathons, to total elimination of sugar, to starvation. And no matter what those extra pounds do not shed off. I am so hooked on Leanne’s work, that I have no doubt now they will be finally gone. I can do it. I can do it with love and peace. I can do it with you. Thank you so much.

— Olya

Anna Thank you for caring about our nutrition and making us feel so individual in our journey to health! Truly, I am learning to love myself for the first time–I just needed to know I was different and special. My journey started with a holistic health coach in spring of 2017. She was the one who helped me to see the severity of my disordered eating, and she introduced me to keto. I was a food addict.  Now, thanks to your podcast, I have been giving myself permission to eat when I’m craving food, and I crave fat!

— Anna

Milica I simply love Keto! I started seeing results right away! The pounds were dropping faster than I could imagine! I started sleeping better, my mood swings were gone, PMS – gone as well, and the stable energy I get throughout the day is amazing! Grab your Keto meal plan TODAY! You won’t regret it!


Rachel I’ve been a yo-yo dieter all my life. Leanne finally showed me a way to eat that’s sustainable and real and doesn’t make it seem like I’m in a box. I haven’t even weighed myself since I started because she’s inspired me to make this about how I feel and my health and not how I look or what I weigh! Her way of eating and compassionate and accepting approach has been like a beacon of light to me and when listening to her videos and podcasts, I find that it is not only her knowledge but her personality and sense of humor that is so inspiring!

— Rachel

Laura I was full steam ahead in Keto, then after two months my interest just dropped off – I was having cravings out of nowhere and I was feeling really blue. Then, all of a sudden, ping! I got an email from Leanne because I had signed up and it was like she was speaking to me directly. Everything she said made sense, and I’m using her ideas to change things up!

— Laura

Joanne In this crazy age of ever-changing information coming at us constantly, I so rely on The Keto Diet podcast and Leanne’s videos to shed light, explain, and generally keep me from losing my marbles! I trust Leanne’s research and I believe she is sincere in everything that she puts out to her readers. I love The Keto Diet book, and I refer back to it often for clarification and reminders about what makes the Keto diet work.

— Joanne

Tonia Thank you for your podcast, videos and books, Leanne. I love that your podcast notes are so robust – I’m not frantically taking notes because know I can go back and look at your notes for references and links later. I feel that I am finding answers to my questions, and I see light at the end of the tunnel. I also appreciate your life experiences and personal lessons learned that you are sharing with us. I look forward to learning much more.

— Tonia

Emmy I am an emergency medicine physician who sees the end result of poor health every day in my busy ER. So disheartened by what I experience daily and inspired by your podcast, my husband and I started a free group for local Mainers where we share evidence-based lifestyle interventions for improving health. We love keto! This lifestyle has dramatically improved our health and I’m now pursuing a fellowship because of it! Thank you!


Earline I’ve only been doing keto for a couple months, but so far my depression has lifted, my knee injury was healed quick, my sinus allergies aren’t bothering me, and my hair is growing wonderfully fast! I get a lot of inspiration from Leanne – thank you for sharing your life with the rest of us! Now I’m keto for life!

— Earline

I’ve been struggling with several health conditions for over 10+ years and I’m only 28. This last year has been particularly tough as my husband and I began unsuccessful fertility treatments and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. I was in a very bad place at the end of 2017 mentally, physically, and emotionally. I turned to keto under your support and for the first time in a year, I could get out of bed. It was your support through your podcast and the resources you provide us that has given me the strength to stand up for myself and love myself again. You have given me the courage to start my own blog and share my story, something I thought I would never, ever have the guts to do. I just want to thank you for showing such strength and reminding me that I have the power over my thoughts and feelings about myself.


I just bought The Keto Diet, and I’m excited to follow your approach. I joined other keto groups and found them to be pushy, with lots of dairy and no exercise. I have been following a Paleo way of eating for a long time now, and your approach will be much better for me. I’m so happy to have found your book and look forward to losing weight and gaining my health back.

— Christine

I turned to Keto looking for a way to lose weight, and I did! But now I am so happy to have discovered that it is much more than just weight loss. I feel much better than before and I am starting to understand how my body works, without restrictions, just listening to what is best for me. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s at 17 and have had to fight with it since then. With the change in diet, my T3, T4, and antibodies are better than ever and I don’t need additional medication – I am able to control it with food, and that makes me really happy!

— Marta

Leanne Vogel’s approach to Keto and overall health is exactly what I’ve been searching for. I’d tried a strict approach to Keto for tweaking body composition after having been Paleo for a few years, but it didn’t work for me. Having had food sensitivities forever, new digestive issues began to emerge due to hormonal changes, so I began carb-ups with success! I’m once again golden in the gym, my hair is staying on my head instead of circling the drain and I’m on my way to regaining control of my digestive health. There’s a ton of information out there, but Leanne’s attention to how WOMEN respond to a Ketogenic lifestyle is not only refreshing, but life-changing.


I have struggled with body issues and depression/anxiety since I was a pre-teen. When I became pregnant with my daughter, I made the conscious decision to make myself healthy and did all the “normal” things. It was so restrictive and unnatural for me that I gave it up and gained the weight back. After doing a little more research, I discovered keto. Almost as if it were meant to be, I found Leanne Vogel on Pinterest, who inspired me to find the diet that made me feel good. I’m now nearly 25 pounds lighter, and so much happier! I love my body for the first time.

— Haley

Throughout my keto experience, Leanne has been a powerful support system. Leanne taught me to give myself grace, to keep a good perspective, to listen to what my body telling me and to embrace my own individual keto experience. Her approach to life, keto, and health is one of balance, breaks the diet dogma, and really encourages people to be the expert of their own body. Leanne has inspired and empowered me to live my best life, to find what works for my body and stay focused on listening to the voice within.

— Katharine

Georgie After my gallbladder was removed, my depression and anxiety got worse. I searched on YouTube and I found an awesome girl who was kind, encouraging and smart. That is our Leanne Vogel. I listen to her podcast 24/7 and I have lost 25 pounds. Above all my anxiety and depression is 80% better. Today’s podcast about the gallbladder is so timely. Thank you, Leanne, for your kindness in sharing your journey with everyone.


Shelby I just wanted to thank you for all the important information and inspiration you share with the world! I love your podcast and of course the keto diet book! You make such a difference sharing your story! In my own life, I have utilized keto to take control of my eating habits. Your bravery and honesty in sharing your story has helped me feel supported! Just wanted to let you know the positivity your work has created! Thanks again!

— Shelby

Barbara For the first time in my life I am menu planning with the help of your weekly meal plans, and transitioning gently into your forgiving and body-positive brand of ketogenic living. My cravings are almost gone; what remains is probably just habit, without out the blinding compulsion that used to drive me. I am working on my self esteem; even though I am an accomplished professional, I feel as if I have clay feet sometimes! I love how you suggest acceptance and self-love. We can all be better in the world when we honor our own selves!

— Barbara

Lisa I tried keto paleo a couple years ago and felt like I failed. I obsessively tracked everything and I was always tired! So I went back to just paleo with more carbs and it was so awful! I gained 20 pounds, but more importantly, I got so tired and depressed that I could not even get out of bed on some days! So, I have returned to keto paleo, but you have set me free! I eat more intuitively and am not a slave to tracking. You “gave me permission” to do this stress-free. I also no longer feel guilty when I need to carb up for a workout (I am a triathlete). I love how I feel with this eating lifestyle plan and now, thanks to you, I can stick with it!

— Lisa

Tara After struggling with amenorrhea since 2009, I had nearly given up. Last year, I found keto and your podcast and have been on the journey of high fat, low carb, whole food, grass fed/finished meats, dairy free, NOT tracking, no more excessive cardio or hormone replacement therapy, I now take more baths, walks, early bedtimes, and listen to my body. Voila! The lovely lady friend has honored me with her presence. I couldn’t be happier!

— Tara

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