
The friendliest, most love-filled gossip you’ve ever overheard.

My heart flutters with gratitude for each and every last one of you.

If being part of the Healthful Pursuit community has triggered some crazy awesome happenings in your life or helped catapult you forward, I’d love to hear about it.

Victoria | Lead Vocalist, The Spanking Machine
Victoria | Lead Vocalist, The Spanking Machine Leanne has done a great job with this book. She has easy to digest information for beginners and for those like me who may know about nutritional ketosis but want some extra guidelines. The recipes look great (chicken pot pie! YES!). The meal plan and grocery list make the leap so much easier. I’ve modified some things to fit my body, but as a resource this is gold. I’ve been following Leanne for years and am proud of her for being confident enough to publicly alter plans. She’s not afraid to put her own body through the paces of what she is recommending and take us through the ups and downs along the way.

Victoria | Lead Vocalist, The Spanking Machine

Christina Thank you so much for your program! I have done a ton of my own research previous to this experience, but I still learned some precious gems from what you shared in The Keto Beginning program. I’ve experienced random hypoglycemic reactions and had no idea what to do with them until reading your book. Using your guidance, I adjusted a couple of key things and wow, I saw a change! I had no idea that these slight adjustments could improve my insulin levels. Thank you so much!

— Christina

Nicole Ordered it and completely ate it up [no pun intended] in 1 day! I honestly, have not felt this much peace. And for that, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

— Nicole

Alison Smith |
Alison Smith | My SPARK experience went above and beyond my expectations. Everything that Leanne said was a golden nugget of wisdom that I could apply to my business. I now have a defined message, knowledge to create my own media kit, form partnerships with companies, make my business more profitable, and increase my social media following. If you are a health and wellness blogger, I would highly recommend jumping in for a Spark Session: your business will love you for it!

Alison Smith |

Brianne | FemFusion Fitness
Brianne | FemFusion Fitness Leanne’s no-nonsense, simple and clean approach is exactly what I needed to light my fire. (During our session) it was like talking with a super-wise and brilliant best friend. I had a question — Leanne had an answer. And she organized everything so brilliantly! If you’re struggling with something in your health or business life, Leanne will be your BFF for a week, help you break things down, tackle them one by one, create a plan rich with easy-to-manage, actionable steps and set you on a path of least resistance. Now, I’m managing my time (while still reaching my business goals) in a way that doesn’t sacrifice my health. I am in control and way less stressed as a result.

Brianne | FemFusion Fitness

Raj | The Primal Desire
Raj | The Primal Desire Purely Pops is such a beautiful resource – full of fantastic recipes that you can feel good about eating. I like the fact that Leanne is a holistic nutritionist. I can rest easy knowing that her recommendations are backed by her education (and passion for healthy food!)

Raj | The Primal Desire

Sherrie | With Food and Love
Sherrie | With Food and Love The thing I love most about Leanne is her vibrancy. Everything she touches; everything she puts her heart and soul into, just floods our world with beauty and love. Purely Pops is such a reflection of this. Every recipe is thoughtfully crafted with simplicity and ease. Now, we can all treat ourselves to a healthy summer, one popsicle at a time.

Sherrie | With Food and Love

Lori This is an amazing meal planning service, like none other. I was recently diagnosed with young onset dementia at 44 years old and I truly believe Real Meals has helped me stay as sharp and energetic as possible! I can no longer cook on my own but the recipes are simple for others to follow and help.

— Lori

Mary | FC Wellness
Mary | FC Wellness Purely Pops Cookbook is fun, inviting and filled with recipes that will temp the smallest of taste buds. We’re all kids at heart. Not only do these popsicle recipes appeal to people already living a healthy lifestyle, but this cookbook is an essential tool for those wanting to make the change from conventional eating to a better, healthier way without giving up that which they have become accustom too! The recipes in this book make transitioning so much easier.

Mary | FC Wellness

Joan This cookbook is wonderful! I just downloaded the book and am enjoying reading the recipes already. Hope to make some really soon. Also, I like that Leanne recommends various reliable popsicle molds. It will come in handy. Great ideas!

— Joan

Melissa | Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Melissa | Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach The veggie pops chapter is an ingenious way to get your greens! My personal food intolerances have prevented me from being able to eat frozen treats for over two years, this summer will be refreshingly different thanks to Purely Pops Cookbook. I have already made myself a chocolate dipped ice cream pop. Yummy! My vegan, paleo and food allergy clients are going to love this!

— Melissa | Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Janae | Bring Joy
Janae | Bring Joy Leanne has done it again. She has shown the world how incredibly delicious eating vibrant, allergy-friendly food can be. In Purely Pops, she offers 45 irresistible variations of sweet & satisfying frozen treats. Her photography captures just how delicious & beautiful each pop is. I cannot wait to make every one of these with my kids. If you want healthy, dairy-free, refined-sugar free frozen treats that you can feel good about giving to your family, this book is an absolute must-have!

Janae | Bring Joy

Catherine I love your food journal! It helped me see when I would eat and why and what I was eating the most of. And I “remembered” to work out more because of the space you provided for “physical activity”. It is the best food journal I could have used to reconnect and learn from my body.

— Catherine

Katie Christmas Dessert Freedom Cookbook has been a life saver for me, my family and all of our food sensitivities. I have more confidence to support our food allergies, the step I needed to start the next chapter of my life. The chocolate caramel bars and sugar cookies were a HUGE hit at our latest party.

— Katie

Bianca I’m on day 9 of my 11-day Vibrant Life Cleans and today is day 2 of the Wind Down Program. I feel amazing, the whole cleanse is great, well-balanced and delicious. I took Leanne’s suggestion and tried colon hydrotherapy 3 times during the cleanse. What a difference! This book is full of so much wisdom. I’m totally in love with this program and will highly recommend it to my friends and family!

— Bianca

Arie-Elle | Nourish & Inspire Me
Arie-Elle | Nourish & Inspire Me This cookbook is so thorough, vibrant and fun, just like Leanne. I’ve never done a cleanse before but have wanted to. Leanne’s guide definitely gives me the confidence and motivation to get started. All the juices and smoothies look amazing and use a variety of ingredients, so I know I won’t get bored! I’ve already tried the Red Rush Smoothie and it’s delicious! I think the Enliven cleanse will be my cleanse of choice. Can’t wait to get my smoothie and juice on! Thanks Leanne!

Arie-Elle | Nourish & Inspire Me

Brianne | FemFusion Fitness
Brianne | FemFusion Fitness

Wow! Vibrant Life Cleanse Program & Cookbook is bursting with healthy and unique juice, smoothie, milk, and tonic recipes. Even just looking at the pictures makes me feel light and vibrant. Leanne guides you through, whether you’re looking to deepen your detox experience or increase self-care with daily juicing. This book is essential for anyone who is ready to clean up their health – mind, body, and spirit.

Brianne | FemFusion Fitness

Sonnet | In Sonnet’s Kitchen
Sonnet | In Sonnet’s Kitchen

Leanne has created a beautiful cleanse program and cookbook, complete with all the resources anyone would need to to be successful in a daily juice program or full-blown cleanse, including shopping lists! The recipes are unique, creative, and delicious. I can’t get enough of the coco cabana smoothie! If you’re looking for a great cleanse for spring you can trust Leanne’s program to help you transition safely and restore your body back to optimum health.

Sonnet | In Sonnet’s Kitchen

Queenie | Hatha Yoga Teacher
Queenie | Hatha Yoga Teacher Vibrant Life Cleanse Program & Cookbook is the most comprehensive resource I’ve seen for a safe, simple and delicious way to cleanse and incorporate juices and smoothies into your day. It focuses on nourishment not deprivation. I’ve gone on some pretty unsustainable cleanses in the past, then slipped right back into old habits that had me distressed in the first place. Leanne’s book is so far from that experience – it will help me create a consistently healthy lifestyle.

— Queenie | Hatha Yoga Teacher

Catherine My body is begging for a post-winter clean out. The Vibrant Life Cleanse Program & Cookbook is going to be my seasonal reset button to better health! I know it will motivate me to make healthier choices this Spring. I have been following Leanne’s juice cleanses for the last year on her blog and with her new cookbook comes so many new DELICIOUS juice and smoothie recipes. The cookbook in its entirety resonates with me – from the design, photos, easy recipes and most of all Leanne’s positive outlook on life… She is a true warrior and I feel much gratitude that I stumbled upon her blog over a year ago.

— Catherine