I want...
The friendliest, most love-filled gossip you’ve ever overheard.
My heart flutters with gratitude for each and every last one of you.
If being part of the Healthful Pursuit community has triggered some crazy awesome happenings in your life or helped catapult you forward, I’d love to hear about it.
I’m new to the keto diet and am so grateful I’ve found healthfulpursuit.com– down to earth, approachable, holistic, but most of all, speaking to women’s specific needs. I find the lack of shame and the use of real food to be refreshing. Thank you for being a rational, reasonable voice. It’s the honesty that caught my eye.
— Tia
Just wanted to drop you a note letting you know I tried making your flax seed muffins and was gobsmacked….best gluten-free baked good ever. I am just starting out with keto and my BF is joining me to be supportive. He normally is not very jazzed about any non-traditional baked goods (he hates any nut crusts, coconut rich subsitutions I try to come up with) but he was very impressed with the muffins. Looking forward to trying the chocolate ones later the week! Thanks for putting such an awesome recipe together! Keep up the good work!
— Dara
After I had my first son, I could no longer lose the weight that I’d gained during my pregnancy. For 8 years is was in a cycle where I would lose 1 lb. only to gain 5 lbs. My hormones went crazy, my hair fell out, I developed dark marks on my face, got skin allergies and chronic constipation, stress, insomnia and many other symptoms of metabolic damage.
Leanne has been my light at the end of the tunnel. She is beautiful, young and very committed to the ketogenic lifestyle. She presents herself as a human being, speaking about all of the problems she had before the keto lifestyle. It’s been a pleasure to follow Leanne’s videos and her delicious recipes. She presents everything we need to know to be successful with this lifestyle. She knows when, why and how much you should eat. I’m not in ketosis yet, I’m just following a low carb diet because I’m breastfeeding, Five months ago, I was 201 lbs. And just doing the low carb lifestyle, I am now 163 lbs and feel so much better!
— Lene
I just wanted to thank you for a podcast from about 6 months ago where you talked about supplements you take. You brought me to Vitex and it was the best way to overcome my hormone imbalance completely. After 4 to 5 weeks I started to lose all my accumulated belly fat without exercising or changing my eating habits. I’ve been taking it for a little less than 6 months now and I’m really astonished and glad how well it worked for me. So thank you very much!!
— Heni
— Sara
I had been at a plateau in my weight loss for over a month. After watching your videos about fasting and carbing-up, I’m finally back into losing weight! Thanks for all the great tips. I enjoy learning about keto and all of its aspects.
— Heather
I’ve been on the ketogenic diet for a little over a year now, and Leanne’s advice and knowledge have helped me tremendously. One of the hardest things for me at the beginning was finding foods that were keto-friendly and actually tasted good. After using all of Leanne’s recipes, I don’t struggle with sticking to a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle anymore. And I no longer have the symptoms of depression and anxiety that used to shadow me when I didn’t follow this way of eating. I used to wake up feeling tired and had to drink tons of coffee just to get through my day. Now after following Leanne’s advice and using her recipes, I’ve finally started to have mental clarity and energy, with ZERO cups of coffee.
— Lo
I am so glad that I discovered your website, healthfulpursuit.com, and your fantastic podcasts! I have read a lot about how a keto diet could be beneficial for endurance athletes like me who race long-distance triathlons (Olympic and Half-Ironman distances), and I have already experienced this during my training sessions over this past couple of weeks, as I started doing some fasting and training in a fasted state: my energy levels are just never-ending, I can bike or run for hours, and there is no “hitting the wall” feeling anymore! So using fats as your primary fuel totally ROCKS :)
— Nina
I have had issues with my menstrual cycle and being on oral contraceptives. I saw my physician and she is supportive of my whole food keto lifestyle and is supportive of me going off hormones for birth control. I want to thank you for being so open about your experiences and inspiring me to find my path. I think I’m on the right path now to find what works to be my best self.
— Amanda
Just wanted to thank you for being you, Leanne! I started binge watching your channel about two weeks ago and committed to keto after listening to your stories. We have a lot of parallels and I was suffering from extreme exhaustion and adrenal fatigue. Two weeks later and I’m already feeling SO much better!
— Cassia
I’m loving your book! I love your approach and the fact that you do not stick to a “diet” 100%, but rather pick out what feels good for you and what works. I also like that when reading your book, I feel like I’m talking to a very good friend. I‘m just getting started with keto, but I have to say that I already love it. I feel much better than just going low-carb (which I have done for almost 6 months now). I do not have so many cravings anymore, intermittent fasting is so easy now, and my digestion has never been better.
— Sonja
When I was raw vegan, my gut played up severely and I was never full. My moods were erratic, and when I added cooked carbs and beans, my colitis flare-ups were pretty much a daily occurrence. After years of estrogen dominance and PCOS, I’m so pleased with keto now. In addition to that, I got the best news today– I got my period. (It stopped months ago.) You have given me the courage to let my body balance and heal. I stopped the progesterone and testosterone treatments and started keto, and things are starting to happen. I’m only a few weeks in and I feel like this is the missing piece of the puzzle.
— Janita
— Pam
— Ilana
— Aimee
— Heather
— Kim
— Lynette
— Rosanne
— Annette