Tag: how eat keto

Wait, What? Welcome!

Wait, What? Welcome!

Welcome to The Keto Diet Podcast! Heck yeah, I’m excited to connect with you, share some cool things, and interview some awesome people, all to help you live your best keto life.

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Keto: What I Eat in a Day

Keto: What I Eat in a Day

The keto foods I eat in a day, with loads of ideas for your keto meal planning. So much has changed in the way I eat keto since the last time I made a video like this. I’ve cut a lot of food preparation out of the equation, eat fewer fat bombs, and care less…

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Video: My Limits, Changes, and Exciting Things

Video: My Limits, Changes, and Exciting Things

A lot of things are happening in 2016! I’m finalizing the manuscript for The Keto Diet (my first paperback), I’m writing a Keto Holidays Cookbook (which will be available in my online shop in November 2016), the podcast is changing to The Keto Diet Podcast on October 2, and… these weekly Q&A sessions will no…

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Changes to the Podcast

Changes to the Podcast

Starting October 2, The No Sugarcoating Podcast will be changing to The Keto Diet Podcast and I’ll be hosting it solo. The podcast will be filled with interviews from thought leaders, keto veterans, and more. Each episode will deliver details on developing a ketogenic diet that works for you, overcoming daily keto struggles, boosting body confidence, shedding weight, and more.

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All About Keto Carb Ups and Cyclical Ketosis

All About Keto Carb Ups and Cyclical Ketosis

Lots of cyclical ketogenic resources to help show you how to do a keto carb up, why it may be a game changer, and take your keto awesomeness to the next level! Carbs are not all bad (*gasp*). However, eating too many carbs can cause a plethora of problems, from blood sugar spikes to digestion…

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Keto Q&A: Are You Too Low-Carb? Carb Ups and Fat Adaption

Keto Q&A: Are You Too Low-Carb? Carb Ups and Fat Adaption

Watch past keto question and answer sessions. This week we’re covering fat absorption, signs you’re too low-carb, the process of becoming fat adapted, getting your period back quickly, what to do in the face of haters, and more.

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Body Hate, Thyroid Tongue, and Finding Balance on Keto

Body Hate, Thyroid Tongue, and Finding Balance on Keto

Keto podcast, answering your questions on body hate and getting over feeling envious toward others, what your tongue says about your health, and finding a happy medium in keto for health.

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Keto Q&A: Acne on Keto, Total vs. Net Carbs, and Bad Sleep on Keto

Keto Q&A: Acne on Keto, Total vs. Net Carbs, and Bad Sleep on Keto

Watch past keto question and answer sessions. This week we’re covering acne on keto, total vs. net carbs, quality of sleep on keto, hair loss on keto, keto and dry skin, keto diet and no gallbladder, carb backloading, and more.

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Eating Stress, Water Retention, and Being Okay with Your Body

Eating Stress, Water Retention, and Being Okay with Your Body

Keto podcast, answering your questions on overcoming the stress that comes with changing your diet and eating healthier, what to do with your swollen legs that aren’t improved on keto, and how to feel okay with your body.

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Coleslaw-Stuffed Keto Wraps (low-carb, paleo + dairy-free)

Coleslaw-Stuffed Keto Wraps (low-carb, paleo + dairy-free)

Low-carb wraps filled with keto-friendly fillings – coleslaw, sprouts, and meat. Wrapped in a collard leaf. A perfect packable lunch, especially when paired with a glass of Genuine Health vegan greens+O. Today’s recipe is perfect for at home, or on the go. If you’ve ever tried wrapping your favorite sandwich fillings in a collard wrap,…

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