Tag: smoothie

Pumpkin Orange Cream Smoothie

Pumpkin Orange Cream Smoothie

Yoga challenge. Are you doing it with us? Can I be honest? It’s hard. Not that I want that to deter you… but this is harder than I thought it was going to be. My body hurts, my heart can’t take it at times, and I’m sick of washing my yoga gear every gosh-darn day….

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Pumpkin Chai Smoothie

Pumpkin Chai Smoothie

Happy October, everyone! Can you believe we’re into the 10th month of the year? Jeez Louise! This October I plan to… eat my weight in pumpkin find myself cuddled up on my chaise reading the afternoons away prepare a couple of recipes for Halloween I suck at posting recipes for upcoming holidays. I had to…

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Cherry Almond Smoothie with Eat Spin Run Repeat

Cherry Almond Smoothie with Eat Spin Run Repeat

Today’s recipe is brought to you by Angela from Eat Spin Run Repeat. Angela is an incredibly passionate, success-driven lady, with big dreams and a dose of healthy confidence that I have no doubt will help her accomplish anything she puts her mind to. I could go on for days about how much I love…

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200 Calorie Chocolate Green Shake

200 Calorie Chocolate Green Shake

Well, hello there! How’s your week shaping up? Have you enjoyed the guests that have stopped by the blog these last couple of days? We arrived in Montreal late Sunday night, had a good first sleep in the new place, and spent all day Monday cleaning like crazy! I’ll be back this afternoon with a…

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Bombay Banana Smoothie

Bombay Banana Smoothie

Our recent trip to Montreal was filled with food. It was the first, and only, trip I’ve ever been on where I ate out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still felt good about the food choices I was making. In fact, more often than not, I was having cleaner food than I do at…

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18 Healthy Vegan Smoothies

18 Healthy Vegan Smoothies

To view 12 more Vegan Smoothie recipes, CLICK HERE. My Mom used to make my sister and I smoothies for breakfast quite frequently. They were usually a combination of almond milk, frozen berries, bananas, and bee pollen. It was good, but it lacked pizzazz! Now, I try to get creative with smoothies to get me…

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Blushing Apple Smoothie

Blushing Apple Smoothie

I’ve fallen head over heals for cherries. We found ourselves at the Farmers Market last weekend and within moments of getting through the door, I took a bee-line straight to the rows of fresh cherries. The fact that I already had 3 bags of them sitting at home didn’t phase me. Farmer’s Market cherries? Fat…

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Sweet Potato Cooler and Summer Lovin’ Salad

Sweet Potato Cooler and Summer Lovin’ Salad

We just may have a warm, rain-free weekend upon us! Oh I hope I haven’t jinxed it by saying that. My sister, Dad and I are headed to the Stampede to hit up the gluten-free eats on the midway and rock out to George Canyon at the Coca Cola Stage on Sunday night. There’s nothing…

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Ultra Green Smoothie

Ultra Green Smoothie

Our weekend filled with adventures and socializing was a nice break from spending my time alone in the kitchen. I love cooking, but sometimes a girl just needs a break! It wasn’t until Monday morning that I realized I had absolutely no meals prepared for the day ahead. I had to wing it and pack…

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Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

The weather is getting warmer, days are longer, and all I can think about are salads, green smoothies and lemon water. Are you feeling the same? If so, it’s a good indication that your body is shifting gears from a Winter supporting diet to a Spring one. Spring is the season of purification. Greens, additional…

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