I want...
Limiting your smoothies to fruit, protein powder, nuts/seeds and a bit of spinach is no way to live. We need to broaden your smoothie vision ;) Your blender is begging you to try new things… and I bet your body is, too.
Paleo porridge made with roasted butternut squash and masala chai milk. Also safe for gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan eating styles. I went (primarily) grain-free a couple of months ago in an attempt to reduce bloating and digestive issues. Living grain-free requires creativity.
Healthy porridge made with fresh roasted butternut squash, gently scooped and surrounded with fresh cashew milk, toasted coconut and ginger chunks. I usually go for savory breakfasts over sweet only because if I start the day with an overly sweet breakfast, I’ll be craving sugar all day long.
Cinnamon roasted root veggies, combined with soft greens, toasted squash seeds and a garlic dressing. Serve this salad warm, fresh out of the oven. Kevin, Lexy, Pebbles, my Dad and I are nestled in the fifth wheel kickin’ it camping-style this long weekend. We slept in on Saturday, snacked on grain-free apple cornbread (yum!), played…
Healthful Pursuit is weeks away from going ad-free! No more random fast food banners, popups or completely inappropriate messages will invade this space. You will be free to browse, completely uninterrupted and distracted. It’s going to be sa-weet!
We’re down to the wire. I leave for India in less than a week and have just a few last minute things to cross off my to do list – stop by the bank to grab some rupees, confirm my stay at the ashram, buy up some raw granola, pick up a pair of lulu…
One of the lessons I’ve learned from tracking my daily eats in my food journal, is that my body responds really well to squashes. Every time I eat them I feel energized, satiated, and if done up right, they satisfy my sweet tooth, too! I’ve been trying to introduce myself to a new type of…